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[英]Search in Array field in Postgres

I have the following table structure here countries column is of array type. 我具有以下表结构,在这里countries列是数组类型。

 id | name  |             countries             
  1 | Asia  | {india,china,pakistan,bangladesh}
  2 | World | {india,pakistan,srilanka}

To find all rows of china or sriLanka I use below query: 要查找china or sriLanka所有行,请使用以下查询:

FROM country_list 
WHERE 'china' = ANY(country_list.countries) 
   OR 'srilanka' = ANY(country_list.countries);

Can we have any better way to do this just like In operator? 就像In运算符一样,我们还能有更好的方法吗?

Maybe something like, SELECT * FROM country_list WHERE name in ('Asia','World'); 也许是这样, SELECT * FROM country_list WHERE name in ('Asia','World'); ?

You can use the && overlaps operator : 您可以使用&&重叠运算符

select *
from country_list
where countries && array['china','srilanka'];


SELECT * FROM table WHERE name @> ARRAY['s']::varchar[]

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