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Redux-thunk 和 axios - 请求取消

[英]Redux-thunk and axios - request cancellation

I've an app with redux-thunk , redux-pack and axios on board.我有一个带有redux-thunkredux-packaxios的应用程序。

My actions looks like this:我的动作是这样的:

export const getEntities = () => (dispatch, getState, { api }) => {
  return dispatch({
    type: ENTITIES_LOAD,
    promise: api.getEntities(),
    meta: {},

I call them in componentDidMount .我在componentDidMount调用它们。

My question is - what is the best way to cancel those actions along with the request itself?我的问题是 - 取消这些操作以及请求本身的最佳方法是什么? I've read about Cancel Token that axios uses, but how should I cancel the action first?我已经阅读了axios使用的Cancel Token ,但我应该如何先取消操作?

I found myself cancelling the requests using cancel tokens.我发现自己使用取消令牌取消了请求。 Kind of a way out of this issue, but I attached them to a global variable (like window ), so every time the request is made, the new token is added to an object (with its own key), and every time a request is finished, this key is removed.一种解决这个问题的方法,但我将它们附加到一个全局变量(如window ),因此每次发出请求时,新令牌都会添加到一个对象(使用其自己的密钥),并且每次请求完成后,删除此密钥。

So I have something like this available inside the client part of the app:所以我在应用程序的客户端部分有类似的东西可用:

window.cancellationTokens = { myOwnTokenKey: theActualToken }

If in need of cancelling a request (eg user leaving a route that fetches data on componentDidMount ), I just do:如果需要取消请求(例如,用户离开获取componentDidMount数据的路由),我只需要:


Function called cancelRequest takes one argument, that is the actual key of the request and looks like this:名为cancelRequest函数接受一个参数,即请求的实际键,如下所示:

const cancelRequest = (keyName) => {
    if (typeof window === 'undefined') return;
    const cancelMethod = window.cancellationTokens[keyName];
    if (!cancelMethod) return;

Maybe you should consider adding redux-saga, make action canceling easy.也许您应该考虑添加 redux-saga,使操作取消变得容易。 See the docs https://redux-saga.js.org/请参阅文档https://redux-saga.js.org/

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