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[英]Mapbox autocomplete get Long and Lat

I'm using Mapbox with autocomplete in a vue component: 我在vue组件中使用具有自动完成功能的Mapbox:

        <div id='geocoder'></div>

    import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';

    export default {
        data() {
            return {
                map: null

        created() {
            Event.$on('map-created', (map) => {
                this.map = map;

                let geocoder = new MapboxGeocoder({
                    accessToken: mapboxgl.accessToken,


It's working but how do I get the long and lat when a user clicks on a result? 它正在工作,但是当用户单击结果时如何获得经度和纬度?

Is there some kind of event? 有什么活动吗? Couldn't find anything in the docs. 在文档中找不到任何内容。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Try this: 尝试这个:

this.map.on('click', '[YOUR LAYER ID]', (event) => {



It helps me when I add my own layers. 当我添加自己的图层时,它对我有帮助。

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