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React JSX - 将 substring 加粗

[英]React JSX - make substring in bold

While creating custom autocomplete component I stuck with this problem: I got a string and substring(first part of the string, the one that user enters in autocompete field), and I need to show that part in bold in results list.在创建自定义自动完成组件时,我遇到了这个问题:我得到了一个字符串和子字符串(字符串的第一部分,用户在自动竞争字段中输入的部分),我需要在结果列表中以粗体显示该部分。

But I cannot use str.replace like但我不能像这样使用str.replace

    var re = new RegExp(find, 'g');
    return str.replace(re, '<b>'+find+'</b>');

because it will return string and I need JSX.因为它将返回字符串并且我需要 JSX。

So basically the problem is - I have JSX and I need to make some part of it in bold.所以基本上问题是 - 我有 JSX,我需要用粗体显示它的某些部分。 I need a function that takes JSX and like inject <b> tag in it in special places我需要一个 function,它采用 JSX 并且喜欢在特殊位置注入<b>标签

This is what I got so far这是我到目前为止得到的

    boldJSX(str, find){
        if(!find) return str;
        return <span><b>{find}</b>{str.slice(find.length)}</span>

I seem to have found a more 'reactish' approach for those who come here in the future对于未来来这里的人,我似乎找到了一种更“反动”的方法

function BoldedText({ text, shouldBeBold }) {
  const textArray = text.split(shouldBeBold);
  return (
      {textArray.map((item, index) => (
          {index !== textArray.length - 1 && (

First, you need to find and extract the appropriate substring (the string you are looking for) if exits in given list and make a custom string by extracting that substring as given below.首先,如果在给定列表中存在,您需要查找并提取适当的子字符串(您正在查找的字符串),并通过提取该子字符串来创建自定义字符串,如下所示。

 //autoValue - value you are looking for
 //main - item value
 const val =
  main.slice(0, main.indexOf(autoValue)) +
  "<b>" +
  autoValue +
  "</b>" +
    main.indexOf(autoValue) + autoValue.length,

Now, You have to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML for a span or any custom HTML component you are using for rendering each item in you auto-complete component.现在,您必须将dangerouslySetInnerHTML用于span或用于呈现自动完成组件中的每个项目的任何自定义HTML组件。 Here is full example.这是完整的例子。

const items = [

function ListItem(props) {
 if (props.value.indexOf(props.autoValue) > -1 && props.autoValue.length > 0) {
 const main = props.value;
 const val =
  main.slice(0, main.indexOf(props.autoValue)) +
  "<b>" +
  props.autoValue +
  "</b>" +
    main.indexOf(props.autoValue) + props.autoValue.length,

 return (
    <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: val }} />
    <hr />
} else {
return (
    <hr />

function NumberList(props) {
 const numbers = props.numbers;
 const listItems = numbers.map(number => (
 return <div>{listItems}</div>;

class App extends Component {
 constructor(props) {
 this.state = {
   inputValue: ""

 this.update = this.update.bind(this);

update(e) {
 this.setState({ inputValue: e.target.value });

render() {
 return (
     <NumberList numbers={items} autoValue={this.state.inputValue} />
     <span> {this.state.inputValue} </span>

export default App;

Working Example.工作示例。 https://codesandbox.io/s/n9n65wqj5j https://codesandbox.io/s/n9n65wqj5j

Expanding upon @mantas-giniūnas solution, I've enhanced it to maintain letter-casing.扩展 @mantas-giniūnas 解决方案,我对其进行了增强以保持字母大小写。

function BoldedText({ text, shouldBeBold }) {
  const textArray = text.split(RegExp(shouldBeBold, "ig"));
  const match = text.match(RegExp(shouldBeBold, "ig"));

  return (
      {textArray.map((item, index) => (
          {index !== textArray.length - 1 && match && (

Assuming you already know that the suggestion passed in matches the filter you can do假设您已经知道传入的建议与您可以执行的过滤器匹配

getSuggestionText = (suggestion, filter) => (
    <b>{suggestion.slice(0, filter.length}</b>

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