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[英]Python - Compare the similarity of one number and a list of numbers

I am trying to compare the similarity between 1 number and a list of numbers, and not sure how to generate this problem? 我正在尝试比较1个数字和一个数字列表之间的相似性,并且不确定如何产生此问题?

I know how to compare the similarity of 2 inputs: 我知道如何比较两个输入的相似性:

from difflib import SequenceMatcher 
def similar(a,b):
    return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

a = '123abc'   
b = '321321'  

And now I want to compare the similarity/relevance between 1 number and a list of number, I tried: 现在,我想比较1个数字和一个数字列表之间的相似性/相关性,我尝试过:


from difflib import SequenceMatcher 
def similar(a,b):
    return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

similar (A,B)

And it does not give me what I want - it shows "'int' object is not iterable". 而且它没有给我我想要的东西-它显示“'int'对象不可迭代”。 I am trying to get the accuracy/confident of how the number (2) is matching with the list of A. Ideally in this case - if the number is 2, and the list if from 1-7 then similarity is 1, and if the number is 8 or 9 then similarity is 0. 我试图获得数字(2)与A的列表如何匹配的准确性/可信度。在这种情况下,理想的情况是-如果数字为2,并且列表为1-7,则相似度为1,如果数字是8或9,则相似度是0。

Anyone has ideas of how to do it? 任何人都有如何做的想法? I am a new python learner - Thank you in advance! 我是一名新的python学习者-提前谢谢!

Make B a list of length 1 in order to make both objects the same type so they are comparable. 使B的长度为1,以使两个对象具有相同的类型,以便它们具有可比性。


from difflib import SequenceMatcher 
def similar(a,b):
    return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()

similar (A,B)

Have you tried replacing: 您是否尝试过更换:


with: 有:



Cheers. 干杯。

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