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[英]With Algolia search, 504 Gateway TimeOut

I installed the plugin Search from Algolia on my Wordpress web site. 我在Wordpress网站上安装了“从Algolia搜索”插件。 Currently, the search bar is visible, you can write your search on it and it gives results. 当前,搜索栏是可见的,您可以在其上进行搜索并给出结果。 But I have a problem : when I click on a result (which is an article of the web site), I can't reach the article, the "504 Gateway TimeOut" page appears. 但是我有一个问题:单击结果(该网站的文章)时,我找不到该文章,将显示“ 504 Gateway TimeOut”页面。 Do you know what is the problem ? 你知道是什么问题吗?

I'm a novice in web development and I apologize for my English. 我是网络开发的新手,对我的英语表示歉意。

If you can write your search and get the results that means Algolia is working properly. 如果您可以编写搜索并得到结果,则表明Algolia工作正常。

You can get more information about the search you're performing by opening the dev tools of your browser and going to the "Network" tab. 您可以通过打开浏览器的开发工具并转到“网络”标签来获取有关正在执行的搜索的更多信息。

In the network tab you can also check the request that is giving a 504 error. 在网络标签中,您还可以检查给出504错误的请求。 Verify that the requested URL is the one you're expecting. 确认所请求的URL是您所期望的URL。

Try to understand the HTTP errors like the one you're getting (504) so that it will be easier in the future to understand what's not working. 尝试理解HTTP错误,如即将收到的错误(504),以便将来更容易理解不起作用的地方。

Learn more about the devtools: 了解有关devtools的更多信息:

Learn more about HTTP codes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes 了解有关HTTP代码的更多信息: https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes

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