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[英]Show server side validation message in angularjs material md-input-container with ng-messages

I have a form with some inputs which are in md-input-container. 我有一些在md-input-container中的输入形式。 Each input have some validation message with ng-messages directive: 每个输入都有一些带有ng-messages指令的验证消息:

<form name="ctrl.myForm" layout="column" ng-submit="addUser(model)">

    <input hide type="submit" />
    <div layout="column" layout-padding>

            <label translate>Username</label>
            <input name="username" ng-model="model.username" type="text" required>
            <div ng-messages="ctrl.myForm.username.$error">
                <div ng-message="required" translate>This field is required.</div>
                <div ng-message="unique" translate>Username is used before.</div>

            <label translate>Email</label>
            <input name="email" ng-model="model.email" required>
            <div ng-messages="ctrl.myForm.email.$error">
                <div ng-message="required" translate>This field is required.</div>
                <div ng-message="email" translate>Email is not valid.</div>


    <div layout="row">
        <span flex></span>
            <span translate>Cancel</span>
            <span translate>Add</span>


In my controller, I have a function named addUser(model) which send given data to server and receives some validation codes. 在我的控制器中,我有一个名为addUser(model)的函数,该函数将给定数据发送到服务器并接收一些验证代码。 I set appropriate keys in $error objects but relative messages are not show. 我在$ error对象中设置了适当的键,但未显示相关消息。 I set keys as following if I get error from server: 如果从服务器收到错误,我将密钥设置如下:

function addUser(model){
    .then(function(user) {
        // user is created successfully.
    }, function(error) {
        ctrl.myForm.$invalid = true;
        ctrl.myForm.username.$error['unique'] = true;
        ctrl.myForm.email.$error['email'] = true;

I expect when I set keys as true related messages appear in the form but message are not shown. 我希望当我将键设置为true时,相关消息会显示在表单中,但消息不会显示。 In this time if I change value of a field related message of that field is shown! 此时,如果我更改与该字段相关的消息的值,则会显示该字段! I could not find problem. 我找不到问题。

Read here https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/forms about $asyncValidators , there are some examples also. 在这里阅读有关$asyncValidators https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/forms ,也有一些示例。 ( ctrl.$asyncValidators.username=... etc.) ctrl.$asyncValidators.username=...等)

In few words: 简而言之:

Angularjs built-in validation requires you to write and add validators. Angularjs内置验证要求您编写和添加验证器。 You should not control $invalid, $error fields manually (Thats why they have $ prefix). 您不应手动控制$invalid, $error字段(这就是为什么它们具有$前缀)的原因。 Angularjs material also follow this approach. Angularjs材料也遵循这种方法。

PS reason why lines like ctrl.myForm.$invalid = true; PS为何类似ctrl.myForm.$invalid = true; wont work consistently is quite simple - angularjs next validation run will set it back to false 不会始终如一地工作非常简单-angularjs下一次验证运行会将其设置为false

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