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[英]ModelSerializer doesn't respect the required attribute on a field

If I have: 如果我有:

class Example(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    time = DateTimeRangeField(required=False)

it will fail with an error: 它将失败并显示错误:

{'time': ['This field is required.']}

However if this was serializers.Serializer it respects the required attribute on the field. 但是,如果这是serializers.Serializer,则它遵循字段上的必需属性。 Has anybody else come across this? 还有其他人遇到吗? Any ideas on how to make a field not required? 是否有关于如何创建字段的任何想法?

DateTimeRangeField 不是 Django REST框架字段,因此就像您根本没有提供任何字段一样。

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