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[英]how to design mat-toolbar full width of the screen

Here, I am using Angular-Material in which my environment are : Angular CLI: 6.0.5 , Node: 10.1.0 , OS: win32 x64 , Angular: 6.0.3 and I want the output like this: 在这里,我使用Angular-Material ,我的环境是: Angular CLI: 6.0.5Node: 10.1.0OS: win32 x64Angular: 6.0.3 ,我希望输出如下: 在此输入图像描述

To implement exactly same top nav bar I have mat-toolbar as follows: 要实现完全相同的顶部导航栏,我有mat-toolbar如下:

In .html 在.html

 <mat-toolbar class="topbar telative mat-toolbar mat-primary mat-toolbar-single-row" color="primary"  ng-reflect-color="primary" style="flex-direction: row; box-sizing: border-box; display: flex;position: fixed;" [class.mat-elevation-z24]="isActive">
    <button mat-icon-button (click)="snav.toggle()"><mat-icon>menu</mat-icon> 
    <h1 class="example-app-name">Admin Panel</h1>

In .ts 在.ts

I simply have one property for isActive 我只是为isActive提供了一个属性

 isActive = true;

My output is absolutely fine but the mat-toolbar does not cover the full width of screen as a result the vertical scroll bar is coming just in side of mat-toolbar . 我的输出绝对正常,但是mat-toolbar没有覆盖整个屏幕宽度,因此垂直滚动条正好位于mat-toolbar一侧。 I want to have is scroll bar below my mat-toolbar as in the image above. 我希望在我的mat-toolbar下面有滚动条,如上图所示。 How can I set the width of mat-toolbar to full screen. 如何将mat-toolbar的宽度设置为全屏。

To set mat-toolbar width to 100% you can do similar in your css file 要将mat-toolbar宽度设置为100%,您可以在css文件中执行类似操作

.fixed-header {
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 2;
    width: 100% !important;


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