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[英]Error: write EPIPE when trying to upload file to FTP using gulp

I've got a task to deploy some stylesheets out to a server using FTP and about 80% of the time I get this error, 我有一项任务是使用FTP将一些样式表部署到服务器上,大约80%的时间出现此错误,

Error: write EPIPE
  at _errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
  at WriteWrap.afterWrite [as oncomplete] (net.js:880:14)

I'm using vinyl-ftp to upload the file as seen in the code here, 我正在使用Vinyl-ftp上传文件,如此处的代码所示,

var conn = ftp.create({
    host: 'host',
    user: 'user',
    password: 'pass',
    parallel: 10,
    idleTimeout: 10000,
    reload: true,
    secure: true,
    secureOptions: {rejectUnauthorized: false},
    log: gutil.log

// What files to transfer over (can be used in case there are more files to be uploaded in the future)
var globs = [
    localDir + '/' + jobName + 'Default.css'

gutil.log("Local File: " + globs[0]);

var remoteDir = '/' + environment + '/css/' + clientName + '/' + jobName;

gutil.log("Remote Dir: " + remoteDir);

return gulp.src(globs, {buffer: false}).pipe(conn.dest(remoteDir));

The server that I'm uploading to is using FTP-SSL (Explicit AUTH TLS). 我要上传到的服务器正在使用FTP-SSL(显式AUTH TLS)。 I'm not sure if that's what's causing the issue but I've tried catching the error and adding an onerror event to process.stdout but none of them work. 我不确定这是否是导致问题的原因,但是我尝试捕获错误并在process.stdout中添加onerror事件,但是它们都不起作用。 When the error does trip it uploads an empty file to my server. 当错误确实触发时,它将一个空文件上传到我的服务器。

It'd be great to find a solution to this or better yet a different FTP package. 很高兴找到一个解决方案,或者更好的FTP软件包。

Edit 1: I'm on Windows. 编辑1:我在Windows上。


Finally just said screw it and changed what module I was using. 最后,只需说出螺丝钉,然后更改我正在使用的模块。 node-ftp only throws the EPIPE error about 5% of the time compared to the original 80%. 与原始80%的时间相比, node-ftp仅将5%的时间抛出EPIPE错误。 You can also catch the error which is useful because I catch it and try to upload the file again. 您也可以捕获到有用的错误,因为我捕获了该错误并尝试再次上传该文件。

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