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[英]Protocol Changes from HTTP2 to SPDY for C# WEB API

We have Angular + WEB API Application, Deployed on Azure. 我们有Angular + WEB API应用程序,已部署在Azure上。 After deployment currently we can see SPDY protocol in CHROME (Version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit)) network Tab. 当前部署之后,我们可以在CHROME(版本67.0.3396.99(正式版本)(64位))网络选项卡中看到SPDY协议。 But previously we were able to see HTTP2 protocol for Web API request. 但是以前我们能够看到Web API请求的HTTP2协议。 What steps we need to follow to get back HTTP2 request. 我们需要执行哪些步骤来取回HTTP2请求。


Interesting. 有趣。

It looks like there's at least one bug ( https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=704146 ) for cached resources which might explain your middle two requests - they are light grey to show the cached resources were used. 似乎至少有一个错误( https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=704146 )可以解释您的中间两个请求-浅灰色以显示已缓存的资源资源被使用。

However I can also see the same thing happens to other requests to that site (or related sites) in both your example and some of my own testing. 但是,在您的示例和我自己的一些测试中,我还可以看到对该站点(或相关站点)的其他请求也发生了同样的情况。

In short these appears to be display bugs, rather than genuinely downloading over SPDY. 简而言之,这些似乎是显示错误,而不是通过SPDY真正下载。 As I mentioned in the comments Chrome has deprecated SPDY and no longer supports it so it cannot be SPDY. 正如我在评论中提到的,Chrome已弃用SPDY,并且不再支持它,因此它不能是SPDY。

You can also prove this in the following ways: 您还可以通过以下方式证明这一点:

  1. Open the request in a new tab and you will see it downloads either as h2 or http/2+quic/ which will show what should actually be used on the sites in question. 在新标签页中打开请求,您将看到它以h2http/2+quic/下载,其中将显示在相关网站上实际应使用的内容。 And this is the step you need to "get back to HTTP2" in the short term. 这是您短期内需要“返回到HTTP2”的步骤。

  2. Use the chrome://net-internals/#http2 and chrome://net-internals/#quic pages and you will see the requests WERE downloaded over h2 or quic. 使用chrome:// net-internals /#http2和chrome:// net-internals /#quic页面,您将看到通过h2或quic下载的请求。 So it's definitely just reporting the incorrect protocol to the network tab. 因此,这肯定只是在“网络”标签中报告了错误的协议。

  3. Check your own logs, where you will again see they are requested over HTTP/2 (or QUIC if you support that). 检查您自己的日志,您将再次在这里看到通过HTTP / 2(或QUIC(如果支持),则请求它们)。

HTTP/2 and QUIC were built on a lot of the SPDY code in Chrome and looks like it's still referenced in lots of places. HTTP / 2和QUIC建立在Chrome中许多SPDY代码的基础上,看起来很多地方仍在引用它。

So basically you don't need to do anything, and should just ignore it. 因此,基本上您不需要执行任何操作,而应该忽略它。 If you really feel strongly about it then raise a bug to the Chrome team, or comment or star the above bug so you see updates to it and when they fix it. 如果您确实对此有强烈的兴趣,请向Chrome团队提出错误,或评论或标出上述错误,以便您查看该错误的更新以及他们修复该错误的时间。

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