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Python ping IPv6主机列表,并随时间创建可访问和不可访问主机的字典

[英]Python ping list of IPv6 hosts and make a dictionary of reachable and unreachable hosts with time

the following script is working perfectly fine for IPv4 but however my job is to do same for IPv6.. 下面的脚本对于IPv4来说可以正常工作,但是我的工作是对IPv6进行同样的操作。

import pyping

response = pyping.ping('')

if response.ret_code == 0:

is there any way.. i tried to install aioping or aio_ping.. but didnt work,.. is there any workaround to run the same as above for IPv6 in linux machines 有没有办法..我试图安装aioping或aio_ping ..但没有成功,..是否有任何替代方法可以在Linux机器上针对IPv6运行与上述相同的方法

Using the example from the multi-ping ( pip install multiping ) documentation: 使用multi-pingpip install multiping )文档中的示例:

from multiping import MultiPing

# Create a MultiPing object
mp = MultiPing(["2a00:1450:4005:803::200e"])

# Send the pings to those addresses

# With a 1 second timout, wait for responses (may return sooner if all
# results are received).
responses, no_responses = mp.receive(1)

if responses:
    print("reachable: %s" % responses)

if no_responses:
    print("unreachable: %s" % no_responses)

Have a look at the documentation to see how responses / no_responses are structured and how to ping multiple addresses simultaneously. 请查看文档,以了解如何构造responses / no_responses以及如何同时ping通多个地址。

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