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使用Python引用的具有唯一ID的JSON feed

[英]JSON feed with unique IDs referenced using Python

I am using Python to parse a JSON feed. 我正在使用Python解析JSON feed。 The JSON feed updates every 30 seconds or so. JSON提要每30秒左右更新一次。 I need to extract the information from match games but the unique ID node for the match game ID changes on each game. 我需要从对战游戏中提取信息,但是对战游戏ID的唯一ID节点在每个游戏上都会发生变化。

I have been able to parse the data I need by hard coding the uniqueID but when new games come into the feed, I will not know what the uniqueID is and therefore the code will fail. 我已经可以通过硬编码uniqueID来解析所需的数据,但是当新游戏进入Feed时,我将不知道UniqueID是什么,因此代码将失败。

The below code does work but I need a way of looking up or wild-carding (which I know isn't possible in Python directly) the unique ID 1572805. 下面的代码确实有效,但是我需要一种查找或通配符(我知道直接在Python中是不可能的)唯一ID 1572805的方法。

import urllib2, cookielib, json, io
import datetime

sportsFeed = r"c:\feeds\results.txt"
    scorepro = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    wjson = scorepro.read()
    wjdata = json.loads(wjson)
    today = str(datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
    playerone = wjdata['list']['Sport']['2']['Matchday'][today]['Match']['1572805']['Home']['name']
    print "playerone = " + playerone

    print "error"

Below is an extract from the JSON where you can see each game's data is given a new uniqueID:- 以下是JSON的摘录,您可以在其中看到每个游戏的数据都有一个新的uniqueID:-

                "name":"BOLT A. (AUS)",
                "name":"KOKKINAKIS T. (AUS)",
                  "name":"ATP SINGLES"
                "name":"ROBERT S. (FRA)",
                "name":"VANNI L. (ITA)",
                  "name":"ATP SINGLES"
                "name":"WARD J. (GBR)",
                "name":"BONZI B. (FRA)",
                  "name":"ATP SINGLES"

How do I re-create my code so I can lookup all uniqueIDs and then be able to parse the JSON with these pre-defined uniqueIDs? 如何重新创建代码,以便可以查找所有uniqueID,然后能够使用这些预定义的uniqueID解析JSON?

Thank you. 谢谢。

Use the following code to parse the ID from the JSON incrementing the key # by one each time, for example:- 使用以下代码来解析JSON中的ID,每次将键#递增1,例如:

id = wjdata['list']['Sport']['2']['Matchday'][today]['Match'].keys()[0]
playerone = wjdata['list']['Sport']['2']['Matchday'][today]['Match'][id]['Home']['name']
id = wjdata['list']['Sport']['2']['Matchday'][today]['Match'].keys()[1]
playerone = wjdata['list']['Sport']['2']['Matchday'][today]['Match'][id]['Home']['name']

Using Match dict and looping over all matches. 使用Match dict并遍历所有匹配项。

import urllib2, cookielib, json, io
import datetime

sportsFeed = r"c:\feeds\results.txt"
    scorepro = urllib2.urlopen(url)
    wjson = scorepro.read()
    wjdata = json.loads(wjson)
    today = str(datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
    matches = wjdata['list']['Sport']['2']['Matchday'][today]['Match']

    for id, match in matches.items():
        player_name = match['Home']['name']
        print "player = " + player_name

    print "error"

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