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Pyinstaller exe执行脚本失败

[英]Pyinstaller exe failed to execute script

So this is my code, I can run it on my computer. 这是我的代码,我可以在计算机上运行它。 As soon as I move it to another computer via flash drive, and try and open it, it reads failed to execute script. 一旦我将其通过闪存驱动器移至另一台计算机并尝试将其打开,它就会读取无法执行脚本的信息。 I used Pyinstaller with the commands for -w -F -i. 我将Pyinstaller与-w -F -i命令一起使用。

I've tried on two other computers aside from my own, it works on mine, but not on others. 除了我自己的计算机外,我还尝试了另外两台计算机,该计算机可以在我的计算机上运行,​​但不能在其他计算机上运行。 Please help! 请帮忙!

from wand.image import Image as wand_image
import re
import os
import Tkinter as Tk
from ttk import *
import tkMessageBox
from datetime import datetime
import threading

total_files= 0
files_finished= 0

root = Tk.Tk()                                                                 #Starts the GUI.
root.resizable(False, False)

canvas= Tk.Canvas(root)
canvas.pack(fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1)
canvas.config(width=500, height=125)
canvas.create_rectangle(0,0,500,500, fill="blue")
canvas.grid(row=0, rowspan=30, columnspan=100)

current_update= Tk.Label(root, text="... Activity Feed...", font="-weight bold", background ="cyan", width=49, height=2, border=0)
current_update.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=100)

current_update_display= Tk.Label(root, font="-weight bold", background ="black", foreground="white", width=49, height=2 , relief= "sunken", \
    text="0 out of 0 files completed.")
current_update_display.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=100, sticky="N")

Progressbar= Progressbar(length=495, maximum=0)
Progressbar.grid(row=6, rowspan=30, columnspan=100)

def get_total():
    global total_files
    for folder in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
        if not os.path.isdir(folder) or re.search('zzz-Files Without Dates-zzz', folder):
        for filename in os.listdir(folder):
            file_type= re.search(r"\.\w+", filename)
            if file_type==None:
                file_type= file_type.group()
            new_filename= "%s%s" % (re.sub(".pdf", "", filename), " -converted_page.png")
            if not re.search(".pdf", filename) or re.search(" -converted_page.png", filename) or os.path.exists(r"%s\%s" % (folder, new_filename)):
            elif re.match(r"%s \d{6}%s" % (folder, file_type), filename) or re.match(r"%s \d{6} \(\d+\)%s" % (folder, file_type), filename):
                    possible_date_code= re.search(r"\d{6}", filename).group()
                    possible_date= datetime(month=int(possible_date_code[:2]), day=int(possible_date_code[2:4]), year=int(possible_date_code[4:])+2000)
                    if possible_date<datetime.now():
                except ValueError:
    current_update_display.config(text="%s out of %s files finised." % ("0", total_files))

def convert():
    global total_files, files_finished
    for folder in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
        if not os.path.isdir(folder) or re.search('zzz-Files Without Dates-zzz', folder):
        for filename in os.listdir(folder):
            file_type= re.search(r"\.\w+", filename)
            if file_type==None:
                file_type= file_type.group()
            new_filename= "%s%s" % (re.sub(".pdf", "", filename), " -converted_page.png")
            if not re.search(".pdf", filename) or re.search(" -converted_page.png", filename) or os.path.exists(r"%s\%s" % (folder, new_filename)):
            elif re.match(r"%s \d{6}%s" % (folder, file_type), filename) or re.match(r"%s \d{6} \(\d+\)%s" % (folder, file_type), filename):
                    possible_date_code= re.search(r"\d{6}", filename).group()
                    possible_date= datetime(month=int(possible_date_code[:2]), day=int(possible_date_code[2:4]), year=int(possible_date_code[4:])+2000)
                    if possible_date<datetime.now():
                except ValueError:
            with wand_image(filename=r"%s\%s" % (folder, filename),resolution=300) as source:
                wand_image(images[0]).save(filename=r"%s\%s" % (folder, new_filename))
                current_update_display.config(text="%s out of %s files finised." % (files_finished, total_files))

for interval in range(2):
    if interval==0:
        thread_object= threading.Thread(target=get_total)
        thread_object= threading.Thread(target=convert)
    thread_object.daemon = True


These are general things you might or might not have thought about: 这些是您可能会或可能不会考虑的常规事项:

  • Pyinstaller need to have the same type of system to deploy to as the system you are building on. Pyinstaller需要与要构建的系统具有相同类型的系统。 If you are building on a 64 bit platform then you can deploy to a 64 bit platform. 如果您在64位平台上构建,则可以部署到64位平台。 A 32 bit platform build will deploy to 32 bit platforms. 32位平台版本将部署到32位平台。

  • So you have path statements that are to the libraries on your computer but those don't exist then you have to bring them with you in the spec file . 因此,您具有指向计算机上库的路径语句,但是这些路径语句不存在,那么您必须将它们随同带到spec文件中

I would suggest doing a one directory install rather than a file install for the first attempt, it's slightly easier. 我建议第一次尝试执行一个目录安装而不是文件安装,这稍微容易一些。

Alright well I ran pyinstaller without -w so the command prompt would still open. 好吧,我在没有-w的情况下运行pyinstaller,因此命令提示符仍将打开。

I ran it and got 我跑了

ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found.
You probably had not installed ImageMagick library.

So for whatever reason it still requires that even after it was made into a exe. 因此,无论出于何种原因,即使将其制作成exe文件,它仍然需要。 So the new device needs it as well, odd but oh well. 因此,新设备也需要它,奇怪但很好。

This is now a new issue so I'll move on from here, but now I know. 现在这是一个新问题,因此我将从这里继续,但是现在我知道了。 Thanks to everyone who read and commented! 感谢所有阅读和评论的人!

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