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[英]VBA Chart Blank Values in Cell Range

How the cart should be displayed with information, it is being displayed correctly because I added a zero value in cell B16 应如何显示购物车的信息,由于我在单元格B16中添加了零值,因此显示正确


The error chart, not displaying properly because mortgage1 doesn't have a zero value in its cell 错误图表,由于抵押1的单元格中没有零值,因此无法正确显示


How the macro is being run and information from user form 宏的运行方式以及用户表单中的信息


Where my information lives from the userform 我的信息来自用户表单


I have a chart that is generated with a macro for a range of cells. 我有一个图表,该图表是使用宏为一系列单元格生成的。 At times some blank cells will exist within that range. 有时在该范围内会存在一些空白单元格。 I'm facing a problem when generating my chart with an empty cell value, the chart will start plotting at the first non empty cell, causing the category axis to not be reporting correct. 我在生成带有空单元格值的图表时遇到问题,该图表将在第一个非空单元格处开始绘制,从而导致类别轴无法报告正确。 How can I make my chart show a blank value on my chart using VBA. 如何使用VBA使图表在图表上显示空白值。 I would prefer not to use a formula on my cell range. 我不希望在单元格范围内使用公式。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

Sub createchart()

Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Sheets("contactunder")

Dim CellRow As Integer    

CellRow = ActiveCell.Row   
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(251, xlBarClustered).Select
ActiveChart.DisplayBlanksAs = xlNotPlotted
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=ws.Range("BY" & CellRow & ",CB" & CellRow & ",CH" & CellRow & ",CJ" & CellRow & ",CL" & CellRow & ",CN" & CellRow & ",CP" & CellRow)
ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).XValues = "contactunder!$BY$10,contactunder!$CB$10,contactunder!$CH$10,contactunder!$CJ$10,contactunder!$CL$10,contactunder!$CN$10,contactunder!$CP$10"
ActiveChart.SetElement (msoElementDataLabelOutSideEnd)
ActiveChart.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesNone)
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorGridlines.Format.Line.Visible = msoFalse
ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).DataLabels.ShowCategoryName = False

With ActiveChart
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Analysis for " & ws.Range("D" & CellRow)
ActiveChart.HasAxis(xlValue) = False
ActiveChart.HasLegend = False
End With

End Sub

Since you are using union range as source data of your chart, first blank cell in that union range will not be into the source after setting that union range as the source data of the chart using SetSourceData . 由于您将联合范围用作图表的源数据,因此在使用SetSourceData将该联合范围设置为图表的源数据之后,该联合范围内的第一个空白单元格将不会进入源。

So first cell must not be empty in that union range. 因此,第一个单元格在该联合范围内一定不能为空。 Cells without values must be #N/A . 没有值的单元格必须为#N/A

You could replacing blank with #N/A within your code like so: 您可以在代码中用#N/A替换空白,如下所示:

Set oChartRange = ws.Range("BY" & CellRow & ",CB" & CellRow & ",CH" & CellRow & ",CJ" & CellRow & ",CL" & CellRow & ",CN" & CellRow & ",CP" & CellRow)
For Each oCell In oChartRange
 If Not IsError(oCell.Value) Then
  If oCell.Value = "" Then oCell.Value = CVErr(2042)
 End If
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=oChartRange

Of course then you need keeping in mind that there are error values possible in that cell when using that cell in formulas. 当然,那么您需要记住,在公式中使用该单元格时,该单元格中可能存在错误值。 So maybe you must using IFERROR then. 因此,也许您必须使用IFERROR But nevertheless I would not using 0 because 0 is a valuable number and it's meaning is different from blank. 但是尽管如此,我不会使用0,因为0是一个有价值的数字,它的含义不同于空白。 Blank means not available rather than 0. So I would really using #N/A here. 空白表示不可用,而不是0。所以我在这里真的使用#N/A

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