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[英]Why am I not getting proper output in the C program?

I wrote a C program to register a user and login using the same username and password but I am getting Username invalid/doesn't exist message when trying to login. 我编写了一个C程序来注册用户并使用相同的用户名和密码登录,但是尝试登录时出现Username invalid/doesn't exist消息。 Any idea what I have been doing wrong in the following code? 知道我在以下代码中做错了什么吗? Also when I re-run the program I can't get the Login Successfully message. 另外,当我重新运行该程序时,无法收到“ Login Successfully消息。 Even if I use the commented fscanf() function in the code I don't get the proper output. 即使我在代码中使用了注释的fscanf()函数,也无法获得正确的输出。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct database {
    char name[20];
    char email[30];
    char user[10];
    char pass[20];
} store;

int main() {
    int count, entries, choice;
    char username[10];
    char password[20];
    FILE *fptr;
    fptr = fopen("E:\\login.bin", "ab+");
    printf("Welcome to the user authentication program v1.2 .\n");
    printf("\n1. Register\n");
    printf("2. Login\n");
    printf("3. Exit\n");
    printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);
    switch(choice) {
      case 1:
        printf("\nEnter the number of users.\n");
        printf("Users = ");
        scanf("%d", &entries);
        for (count = 1; count <= entries; count++) {
            /*printf("\nEnter your email: ");
            scanf("%s", &store.email);
            fprintf(fptr, "%s\n", store.email);*/

            printf("\nEnter a username: ");
            scanf("%s", &store.user);
            fprintf(fptr, "%s\n", store.user);

            printf("\nEnter a password: ");
            scanf("%s", &store.pass);
            fprintf(fptr, "%s\n", store.pass);

            printf("\nRegistration successful.\n");

        goto Again;

      case 2:
        printf("Enter your username: ");
        scanf("%s", &username);
        ///fscanf(fptr, "%s", &store.user);
        printf("Enter your password: ");
        scanf("%s", &password);
        ///fscanf(fptr, "%s", &store.pass);
        if (strcmp(username, store.user) == 0) {
            if (strcmp(password, store.pass) == 0) {
                printf("\nLogin Successful.\n");
            } else {
                printf("\nIncorrect password!\n");
        } else {
            printf("\nUsername invalid/doesn't exist.\n");

      case 3:

Your program is incomplete. 您的程序不完整。 Your writing auth data to a file you never read. 您将身份验证数据写入从未读过的文件。 You should consider building an array of database records and iterating over each one when you are trying to find a match. 尝试查找匹配项时,应考虑构建数据库记录数组并遍历每个记录。

Learn to use your debugger. 学习使用调试器。 You would have noticed that only the last auth record created in case 1 is lingering in store when you get to case 2 . 您会注意到,进入case 2时,只有在case 1创建的最后一个auth记录在store徘徊。 You also would have noticed that the fscanf(fptr, "%s", &store.user) was reading only one record. 您还会注意到fscanf(fptr, "%s", &store.user)仅读取一条记录。

Consider this program outline: 考虑以下程序概述:

if exist authfile LoadAuth()
if user enter new auth data, update internal database, then write to file.
if user attempts login, create a temp record with their auth data and then 
iterate through the database, comparing that record to ones in the database.
  If not found, fail the login.

You read the login and password into a local structure and append the credentials to the file, but you never read the file to check against all the login/passwords in the database. 您将登录名和密码读入本地结构并将凭证附加到文件中,但是您从未读过文件以检查数据库中的所有登录名/密码。

The program only works if you register a single user and log in immediately after. 该程序仅在您注册一个用户并在此之后立即登录时才有效。 Furthermore you have no error handling, so invalid input can cause undefined behaviour in many places. 此外,您没有错误处理,因此无效输入会在许多地方导致未定义的行为。

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