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[英]RSpec stub object method with variable

Testing out a helper and I've run into an issue. 测试一个助手,我遇到了一个问题。

I have a scope on a model: Task.due_within(days) 我在模型上有一个范围: Task.due_within(days)

And this is referenced in a helper: 这在帮助器中被引用:

module UsersHelper
  def show_alert(tasks, properties, user)
    pulse_alert(tasks, properties) ||
      tasks.due_within(7).count.positive? ||
      tasks.needs_more_info.count.positive? ||
      tasks.due_within(14).count.positive? ||

So I'm testing with stubs for tasks , properties , and user : 所以我正在测试存根的taskspropertiesuser

RSpec.describe UsersHelper, type: :helper do
  describe '#show_alert' do
    it 'returns true if there are tasks due within 7 days' do
      tasks = double(:task, due_within: [1, 2, 3, 4], past_due: [])
      properties = double(:property, over_budget: [], nearing_budget: [])
      user = double(:user)

      expect(helper.show_alert(tasks, properties, user)).to eq true

    it 'returns true if there are tasks due within 14 days' do
      # uh oh. This test would be exactly the same as above.

This passes, but when I went to write the test for it 'returns true if there are tasks due within 14 days , I realized that my double(:task, due_within: []) doesn't interact with the variable provided to the method. 这通过了,但是当我去编写测试时, it 'returns true if there are tasks due within 14 days ,我意识到我的double(:task, due_within: [])与提供给该方法的变量没有交互作用。

How can I write a stub that cares about the variable provided to the method? 我如何编写一个存根控件,该存根控件关心提供给方法的变量?

Obviously this doesn't work: 显然这是行不通的:

tasks = double(:task, due_within(7): [1, 2], due_within(14): [1, 2, 3, 4])

To handle the different cases, could you try something like this? 为了处理不同的情况,您可以尝试这样的方法吗?

allow(:tasks).to receive(:due_within).with(7).and_return(*insert expectation*)
allow(:tasks).to receive(:due_within).with(14).and_return(*insert expectation*)

Since you are testing the show_alert method, you might want to isolate your test to the show_alert method alone, ie, mock due_within's return value as above. 由于您正在测试show_alert方法,因此您可能希望将测试仅与show_alert方法隔离,即,像上面那样模拟due_within的返回值。 The functionality of due_within would be handled in a separate test case. due_within的功能将在单独的测试用例中处理。

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