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[英]Completing VBA Userform textboxes from Excel Cell

I'm trying to fill in a userform ("Userform1") textboxes ("SecurityTextBox", "VersionTextbox") from an Excel Sheet ("Version"). 我正在尝试从Excel工作表(“版本”)中填写一个用户窗体(“ Userform1”)文本框(“ SecurityTextBox”,“ VersionTextbox”)。 I've tried to look up what's going wrong but I haven't managed to figure it out. 我已经尝试查找出了什么问题,但还没有弄清楚。

Private Sub UserForm1_Initialize()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Version")

SecurityTextBox.Text = ws.Cells.Range("C8").Value
VersionTextbox.Text = ws.Cells.Range("C13").Value
DeveloperTextBox.Text = ws.Cells.Range("C14").Value

End Sub

The trouble is the text boxes are just appearing blank. 问题在于文本框仅显示为空白。

The _Initialize handler is invoked when the class/form instance is created. 创建类/窗体实例时,将调用_Initialize处理程序。 If you're showing the form like this: 如果您正在显示这样的表单:


Then it might work as expected if that's the only thing you're ever doing with the form. 然后,如果这是您使用表单所做的唯一事情,它可能会按预期工作。 Problem is, it's the form's default instance , and you don't quite control when VBA is going to initialize that global instance. 问题是,它是表单的默认实例 ,并且您无法完全控制VBA 何时初始化该全局实例。

Take control. 控制住。

With New UserForm1 'initializes a new instance of the class
End With

Now the _Initialize handler with systematically run every time, because it's a New instance every time. 现在, _Initialize处理程序每​​次都可以系统地运行,因为它每次都是一个New实例。 See my UserForm1.Show article for more pitfalls of using forms' default instances. 查看我的UserForm1.Show文章,了解使用表单默认实例的更多陷阱。

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