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[英]How does python know if daylight savings time is in effect?


Actually my old answer was wrong. 其实我的旧答案是错误的。 In the python shell you can do: 在python shell中,您可以执行以下操作:

>>> import time
here it will show a result
>>> _.tm_isdst

This question is actually a duplicate but the old post can be found here: Python daylight savings time 这个问题实际上是重复的,但可以在此处找到旧帖子: Python夏令时

At the very top of the CPython source code for the datetime module, it gives the source of the data: datetime模块的CPython源代码的最顶部,它提供了数据源:

"""Concrete date/time and related types. See http://www.iana.org/time-zones/repository/tz-link.html for time zone and DST data sources. """ “”“具体的日期/时间和相关类型。有关时区和DST数据源,请参见http://www.iana.org/time-zones/repository/tz-link.html 。”“”

Presumably this may be variable over time. 大概这可能随时间变化。

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