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通过调用服务器端javaScript从Node.JS Express中的静态文件写入文件

[英]Write to file from static file in Node.JS Express by calling server side javaScript

I have a node.js project and i can write to a file from the app.js file. 我有一个node.js项目,可以从app.js文件写入文件。 App.js starts the server and runs the content of index.html in my public folder. App.js启动服务器并在我的公用文件夹中运行index.html的内容。 The problem is that i can't write to a file from the javascript in the public folder, and i guess this is because all the javascript in there is client side. 问题是我无法从公用文件夹中的javascript写入文件,我想这是因为其中的所有javascript都是客户端。 How do i call server side javascript so that i can do I/O? 如何调用服务器端JavaScript,以便可以执行I / O?

Index.html - located in Public folder Index.html-位于公用文件夹中

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
    <button onclick="WriteToFile()">writie to file</button> <br>

App.js App.js

var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var path = require('path');
var app = express();

// set static path
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

app.listen(3000, function(){
    console.log('Server started on Port 3000...');

//How do i call this function or write to a file from index.html.
function WriteToFile(){
    fs = require('fs');
    fs.writeFile('helloworld.txt', 'The Function was called', function (err) {
    if (err) 
    return console.log(err);
    console.log('Wrote Hello World in file helloworld.txt, just check it');

How do i call server side javascript so that i can do I/O? 如何调用服务器端JavaScript,以便可以执行I / O?

You don't. 你不知道 Never, ever. 永远不能。

If there is a separation between client and server side, there is a reason to it. 如果客户端与服务器端之间存在分隔,则是有原因的。 Security mostly, but also a separation of concerns. 安全主要是安全,但也是关注点分离。

While node.js allows you to render views, it is still a back-end framework, and the back-end and generated front-end are not linked in any way. 尽管node.js允许您呈现视图,但它仍然是一个后端框架,并且后端和生成的前端没有任何链接。 Even monolithic framework like Rails that make it seem as if there was just one block from both back-end and front-end are separate, they just have very good abstractions to hide the separation between the two. 即使像Rails这样的整体框架似乎都离后端和前端只有一个街区是分开的,它们也有很好的抽象来隐藏两者之间的分隔。

You'll want to create a route in express that will execute said function. 您将要创建一个Express路线来执行上述功能。

app.get('/hello-world', function(){
// Insert your logic here

Then on your front-end, call this endpoint using either Axios (easier) or the fetch API (more boilerplate but native function, no need for an external module). 然后在您的前端上,使用Axios (更轻松)或获取API(更多样板但具有本机功能,无需外部模块)调用此终结点。

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