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[英]Hubot Error: Script is using deprecated documentation syntax

I am using docker compose to deploy Hubot. 我正在使用docker compose部署Hubot。 Everything works just fine for me after i ran "docker compose up". 在我运行“ docker compose up”之后,一切对我来说都很好。 Hubot is online and works. Hubot在线并且可以工作。 However, I want to add my own scripts to it. 但是,我想向其中添加自己的脚本。 I just got an error: 我刚得到一个错误:

test.coffee is using deprecated documentation syntax.

This is exactly the same as this issue. 这与此问题完全相同 But i can not get the point of the solution. 但是我无法解决问题。

For more detailed screenshots please have a look at this link 有关更多详细的屏幕截图,请查看此链接

Thanks for your suggestions! 感谢您的建议!

Check out the " Documenting Scripts " section of "Hubot scripting documentation" 请查看“ Hubot脚本文档”的“ 文档脚本 ”部分

The current format as of 2018-10-10 is: 截至2018-10-10的当前格式为:

# Description:
#   <description of the scripts functionality>
# Dependencies:
#   "<module name>": "<module version>"
# Configuration:
# Commands:
#   hubot <trigger> - <what the respond trigger does>
#   <trigger> - <what the hear trigger does>
# Notes:
#   <optional notes required for the script>
# Author:
#   <github username of the original script author>

Include the header at the top of your script. 在脚本顶部包含标题。 If it does not follow the above format, hubot reports a deprecation warning. 如果不遵循上述格式,hubot将报告弃用警告。

On my hubot, using this format seems to work. 在我看来,使用这种格式似乎可行。

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