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[英]Hover on images are not shown after migration on Wordpress Site

I recently moved site from one domain to another, and updated permalinks to fit to new domain . 我最近将网站从一个域移到了另一个域,并更新了永久链接以适应新域 But noticed that, image element on homepage (bellow slider) dont gray when you close to it, like on previous domain . 但是请注意,首页(波纹状滑块)上的图像元素在靠近时不会变灰,就像以前的域一样 Im talking about this element: 我在说这个元素:


and this is CSS that is generating that hover effect: 这就是CSS产生的悬停效果:

.quickfinder-item-effect-image-scale .quickfinder-item-picture:after {
  background: transparent;
  content: '';
  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 2;
  -o-transition: all 0.25s;
  -webkit-transition: all 0.25s;
  transition: all 0.25s;

.quickfinder-item-effect-image-scale.hover .quickfinder-item-picture:after {
  background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);

Im not sure why is not working, when i make a complete backup and files backup , and transfered to a new domain. 我不确定为什么不能正常工作,当我进行完整备份和文件备份,并转移到新域时。 Seems like JS issue, but dont know why. 似乎是JS问题,但不知道为什么。 What i do. 我所做的。 Any tip how to resolve? 任何提示如何解决?

There is no anchor tag <a> for the category items in new domain: 新域中的类别项目没有定位标记<a>

Old site HTML: 旧网站HTML:


New site html: 新网站html:


You can see that the <a> tag is missing from the new site. 您可以看到新站点中缺少<a>标记。 It's probably a theme setting somewhere that has been set back to default. 这可能是某个主题设置已重新设置为默认值。

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