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在散点图 ChartJS 中设置 X 轴的最小日期

[英]Set Minimum date for X Axis in scatter plot ChartJS

When I pass my data points with a numerical value for the Y coordinate and a date value for the x coordinate the scatter plot starts the x axis at 1976 even though my earliest date is 2018. How can I set the x axis starting value?当我使用 Y 坐标的数值和 x 坐标的日期值传递我的数据点时,散点图从 1976 年开始 x 轴,即使我最早的日期是 2018 年。如何设置 x 轴的起始值? Here is what my data and options look like.这是我的数据和选项的样子。 Date Format: 2018/06/30日期格式:2018/06/30

data: {
    datasets: [{
        label: 'Scatter Dataset',
        data: [{
            x: 10,
            y: ‘2018/06/30’
        }, {
            x: 0,
            y: ‘2018/06/01’
        }, {
            x: 100,
            y: ‘2018/06/04’
options: {
    scales: {
        xAxes: [{
            type: 'time',
                     ticks: {
                     suggestedMin: ‘2018/01/01’,

I have trying passing new Date('2018/01/01') to the suggestedMin, I have also tried using Min instead of suggestedMin.我尝试将 new Date('2018/01/01') 传递给SuggestedMin,我也尝试使用Min而不是suggestMin。

We can add minimum starting point on x axis like this,我们可以像这样在 x 轴上添加最小起点,

data: {
    datasets: [
            label: 'Scatter Dataset',
            data: [
                    x: 10,
                    y: ‘2018/06/30’
                }, {
                    x: 0,
                    y: ‘2018/06/01’
                }, {
                    x: 100,
                    y: ‘2018/06/04’

options: {
    scales: {
        xAxes: [{
            type: 'time',
            ticks: {
                suggestedMin: '2018/01/01',
            time: {

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