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[英]Retrieve text using DomDocument, but remove inner h1 tag

I have some html where I'm attempting to retrieve the text but not with the <h1> tag content. 我有一些html试图检索文本,但没有<h1>标记内容。

$html = '<div class="mytext">   
           <h1>Title of document</h1>   
           This is the text that I want, without the title.

$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$xp = new DOMXpath($dom);
foreach($xp->query('//div[@class="mytext"]') as $node) {
  $description = $node->nodeValue;
  echo $description; 

End result should be: This is the text that I want, without the title. 最终结果应该是: This is the text that I want, without the title.

Currently it's: Title of document This is the text that I want, without the title 当前为: Title of document This is the text that I want, without the title

How can I just get the text without the h1 tag? 没有h1标签,如何获取文本?

try this: 尝试这个:

foreach($xp->query('//div[@class="mytext"]/text()[normalize-space()]') as $node) {
   $description = $node->nodeValue;
   echo $description; 

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