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[英]How do I convert a string 2 bytes long to an integer in python

I have a python program I've inherited and am trying to extend. 我有一个我继承的python程序,我正在尝试扩展。

I have extracted a two byte long string into a string called pS. 我已经将一个两字节长的字符串提取到一个名为pS的字符串中。

pS 1st byte is 0x01, the second is 0x20, decimal value == 288 pS第一个字节是0x01,第二个是0x20,十进制值== 288

I've been trying to get its value as an integer, I've used lines of the form 我一直试图将其值作为整数,我使用了表格的行

x = int(pS[0:2], 16)  # this was fat fingered a while back and read [0:3]

and get the message 并得到消息

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '\x01 '

Another C programmer and I have been googling and trying to get this to work all day. 另一个C程序员和我一直在谷歌搜索并试图让这一整天工作。

Suggestions, please. 请给我一些建议。

Look at the struct module. 查看struct模块。

struct.unpack( "h", pS[0:2] )

For a signed 2-byte value. 对于带符号的2字节值。 Use "H" for unsigned. 使用“H”表示未签名。


x = 256*ord(pS[0]) + ord(pS[1])

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