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优步请求完全访问权限 - 过去 3 周仍未解决

[英]Uber Request Full Access - Still pending from last 3 weeks

We implemented and Tested the uber in pricyfy App and we requested full Access to provide uber services to users 3 weeks ago.我们在 pricyfy App 中实施并测试了 uber,我们在 3 周前要求完全访问以向用户提供 uber 服务。 Still Full Access is in pending state.仍然完全访问处于挂起状态。 We provided all required screenshots, Docs, videos, Flowchart...etc, while requesting full access in developers dashboard .我们提供了所有必需的屏幕截图、文档、视频、流程图等,同时在开发人员仪表板中请求完全访问权限。 May i know why this process is taking so much time.我可以知道为什么这个过程需要这么多时间。 And Please help us how we can contact uber Team to enquire more about this.并请帮助我们如何联系优步团队以询问更多相关信息。

This is not a question appropriate for StackOverflow.这不是适合 StackOverflow 的问题。 For something that is not a technical / coding question but rather specific to Uber, you could reach out via appropriate channels such as https://twitter.com/UberDevelopers/ or on the google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/uber-developers对于不是技术/编码问题而是 Uber 特有的问题,您可以通过适当的渠道(例如https://twitter.com/UberDevelopers/)或谷歌群组联系: https : //groups.google.com /forum/#!forum/uber-developers

In terms of your specific question, I know that there were replies to the email associated with that Pricyfy app specifying that access approval was denied as the app is breaking the Uber API terms.就您的具体问题而言,我知道有人回复了与该 Pricyfy 应用程序相关联的电子邮件,指出由于该应用程序违反了 Uber API 条款,访问批准被拒绝。 Hope that helps clear up your question.希望这有助于澄清你的问题。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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