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[英]for loop with array in batch file with replacing a string variable

I am trying to create a batch file to copy the file over network. 我正在尝试创建一个批处理文件以通过网络复制该文件。

first i am mapping the drive using NET command and than copy file using xcopy . 首先,我使用NET命令映射驱动器,然后使用xcopy复制文件。

follwing batch file works without any problem 跟随批处理文件可以正常工作

    net use T: \\\D /user:User1 PASSWROD
    set source=T:\backup
    set destination=D:\backup\
    xcopy %source% %destination% /y
    net use T: /delete 

I would like to replace the static IP '' and make any array of ip as below and replace the netuse command in a loop. 我想替换静态''并制作如下所示的任何IP数组,并在循环中替换netuse命令。

@echo off 
set obj[0]=
set obj[1]=
set obj[2]=
set obj[3]=

I have treid the following but didn't work 我已经整理了以下内容,但没有起作用

 @echo off
set len=2
set obj[0]=
set obj[1]=

set i=0
if %i% equ %len% goto :eof
for /f "usebackq delims== tokens=2" %%j in (`set obj[%i%]`) do (

net use T: \\%%j\D /user:User1 Password
set source=T:\Autobackup
set destination=D:\Autobackup\
xcopy %source% %destination% /y
net use T: /delete 

set /a i=%i%+1
goto loop

It works for the second ip but not for the first ip. 它适用于第二个IP,但不适用于第一个IP。

You should really be looking at a structure more like this: 您实际上应该在看一个更像这样的结构:

@Echo Off

Rem Undefine any existing variables beginning with obj[
For /F "Delims==" %%A In ('Set obj[ 2^>Nul') Do Set "%%A=" 

Rem Define your IP list
Set "obj[0]="
Set "obj[1]="
Set "obj[2]="
Set "obj[3]="

Rem Define your Map Source and Destination
Set "map=T:"
Set "source=%map%\Autobackup"
Set "destination=D:\Autobackup\"

Rem Loop through the IP list
For /F "Tokens=1* Delims==" %%A In ('Set obj[ 2^>Nul') Do (

    Rem Make sure that %map% is not currently mapped
    Net Use %map% /Delete 2>Nul

    Rem Map the share
    Net Use %map% \\%%B\D /User:User1 Password

    Rem Perform the required operation
    XCopy "%source%" "%destination%" /Y

    Rem Delete the mapped share
    Net Use %map% /Delete 

Compo's answer is good. Compo的答案很好。 Another way to construct the loop follows. 下面是构造循环的另一种方法。 It does not use an "array" of variables. 它不使用变量的“数组”。 I find this easier to edit and understand. 我发现这更容易编辑和理解。

SET IPLIST=^ ^ ^ ^

FOR %%a IN (%IPLIST%) DO (
    ECHO %%a

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