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[英]java currency converter input validation problems

I'm supposed to add a while loop to a currency converter, and it's supposed to check if the user enters any letter other than Y, y, P, or p, and prompt them to try again re-enter their currency type. 我应该在货币转换器中添加一个while循环,并应该检查用户是否输入了除Y,y,P或p以外的其他字母,并提示他们再次尝试重新输入其货币类型。

I'm struggling to know where to place it in my code. 我正在努力知道将其放置在我的代码中的位置。 Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。 The code for the currency converter is: 货币转换器的代码为:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CurrencyConverter 

public static void main(String[] args) 

    //Store these 2 conversion rate as constant (final) variables
    final double PESO = 20.37;
    final double YEN = 114.37;

    double total =0;

    //Get the data from the user
    Scanner k = new Scanner(System.in);

    //Get the amount of USD
    System.out.println("how much money do you want to convert?");
    double usd = k.nextDouble();

    //Get the conversion type (peso or yen)
    System.out.println("do you want to convert to Peso or Yen?");
    char type = k.next().charAt(0); //get 1st char of user input

        case 'p':
        case 'P':
          //convert and print
          total = usd * PESO;
          System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Peso\n", usd, total);
        case 'y':
        case 'Y':
          //convert and print
          total = usd * YEN;
          System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Yen\n", usd, total);
          System.out.println("Sorry Invalid Currency type, " + 
                             "please try again");
          System.out.println("do you want to convert to Peso or Yen?");
          type = k.next().charAt(0);

      if ((usd >= 1000) && (type=='p' || type=='P'))
        System.out.println("You're going to have a blast in Mexico");
      else if ((usd > 5000) && (type=='y' || type=='Y'))
        System.out.println("Have a great time in Japan!");
      else if (usd < 10)
        System.out.println("Haha you're broke!");



You just need to enclose the input and validation code in a while loop, and use a flag to control whether to loop back. 您只需要将输入和验证代码括在while循环中,并使用一个标志来控制是否循环返回。 Something along these lines: 遵循以下原则:

boolean invalidInput;
do {
    System.out.println("do you want to convert to Peso or Yen?");
    char type = k.next().charAt(0); //get 1st char of user input

    invalidInput = false;
    case 'p':
    case 'P':
      //convert and print
      total = usd * PESO;
      System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Peso\n", usd, total);
    case 'y':
    case 'Y':
      //convert and print
      total = usd * YEN;
      System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Yen\n", usd, total);
      System.out.println("Sorry Invalid Currency type, " + 
                         "please try again");
      invalidInput = true;
} while (invalidInput);

You can just wrap around the switch , then control it with break or continue 您可以只绕开switch ,然后用breakcontinue控制它

public static void main(String[] args) {

    //Store these 2 conversion rate as constant (final) variables
    final double PESO = 20.37;
    final double YEN = 114.37;

    double total = 0;

    //Get the data from the user
    Scanner k = new Scanner(System.in);

    //Get the amount of USD
    System.out.println("how much money do you want to convert?");
    double usd = k.nextDouble();
    char type = ' ';

    while(true) {
        //Get the conversion type (peso or yen)
        System.out.println("do you want to convert to Peso or Yen?");
        type = k.next().charAt(0); //get 1st char of user input

        switch(type) {
        case 'p':
        case 'P':
            //convert and print
            total = usd * PESO;
            System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Peso\n", usd, total);
        case 'y':
        case 'Y':
            //convert and print
            total = usd * YEN;
            System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Yen\n", usd, total);
            System.out.println("Sorry Invalid Currency type, " + "please try again");

    if ((usd >= 1000) && (type=='p' || type=='P')) {
        System.out.println("You're going to have a blast in Mexico");
    } else if ((usd > 5000) && (type=='y' || type=='Y')) {
        System.out.println("Have a great time in Japan!");
    } else if (usd < 10) {
        System.out.println("Haha you're broke!");


Create a bool for loop competetion set to false before the switch 在切换之前,将bool for loop竞争设置为false

bool selected = false;

Next, create a while loop around the switch, set to loop while the bool "selected" is false 接下来,在开关周围创建一个while循环,设置为在“ selected”布尔值为false时循环


Then change the bool to true after a successful user selection 成功选择用户后,将布尔值更改为true

        case 'p':
        case 'P':

            selected = true;

Try this code, its very simple: 试试下面的代码,它非常简单:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class HelloWorld 

public static void main(String[] args) 

    //Store these 2 conversion rate as constant (final) variables
    final double PESO = 20.37;
    final double YEN = 114.37;

    double total =0;

    //Get the data from the user
    Scanner k = new Scanner(System.in);

    //Get the amount of USD
    System.out.println("how much money do you want to convert?");
    double usd = k.nextDouble();

    //Get the conversion type (peso or yen)
    System.out.println("do you want to convert to Peso or Yen?");
    char type = k.next().charAt(0); //get 1st char of user input

    while( true  ) {
        case 'p':
        case 'P':
          //convert and print
          total = usd * PESO;
          System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Peso\n", usd, total);
        case 'y':
        case 'Y':
          //convert and print
          total = usd * YEN;
          System.out.printf("$%.2f = %.2f Yen\n", usd, total);
          System.out.println("Sorry Invalid Currency type, " + 
                             "please try again");
          System.out.println("do you want to convert to Peso or Yen?");
          type = k.next().charAt(0);

      if ((usd >= 1000) && (type=='p' || type=='P'))
        System.out.println("You're going to have a blast in Mexico");
      else if ((usd > 5000) && (type=='y' || type=='Y'))
        System.out.println("Have a great time in Japan!");
      else if (usd < 10)
        System.out.println("Haha you're broke!");



All I added is while loop with Boolean "true", a continue and break statement. 我只添加了while循环和布尔“ true”(一个continue和break语句)。

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