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[英]ReactJS: Data Transformation with JSX

I'm trying to transform data with JSX in a React app, but am struggling to even figure the steps for doing so. 我正在尝试在React应用程序中使用JSX转换数据,但仍在努力弄清楚这样做的步骤。

Input: 输入:

const csvData =[
  ['title', 'A', 'B'] ,
  ['E01', 1 , 0] ,
  ['E02', 5 , 0] ,
  ['E03', 10, 2]

Desired Output: 所需输出:

const jsonData = 
        "E01": 1,
        "E02": 5,
        "E03": 10

        "E01": 0,
        "E02": 0,
        "E03": 2


My poor attempt at doing so... 我这样做的可怜尝试...

  1. Loop through each array in nested array (except for the first array which contains the header) 遍历嵌套数组中的每个数组(第一个包含标头的数组除外)

  2. Create nested loop to iterate through each item in array. 创建嵌套循环以遍历数组中的每个项目。

  3. Within this nested loop, create a dictionary to store header, first item in each array. 在此嵌套循环内,创建一个字典来存储标题,每个数组的第一项。 Utilize index of header to extract value of subsequent items in array. 利用标题的索引提取数组中后续项的值。

     export function transformData(data) { let dict = []; // array of header labels const arr = data[0]; // Looping through each row for (var i=1; i<data.length; i++) { // Create a dictionary by iterating through each header label, then extracting title and its value arr.map((f) => dict.push( {key: f, value: {key: data[i][0], value: data[i][f]} })) } console.log(dict); }; 

Result printed by console: 控制台打印结果:

value:{key: "E01", value: undefined}

value:{key: "E01", value: undefined}

value:{key: "E01", value: undefined}

3:{key: "title", value: {…}} // header labels are repeated..
4:{key: "A", value: {…}}
5:{key: "B", value: {…}}
6:{key: "title", value: {…}}
7:{key: "A", value: {…}}
8:{key: "B", value: {…}}

You can do this with reduce and inside forEach method and return object. 您可以使用reduce和内部forEach方法并返回对象来执行此操作。

 const csv = [ ['title', 'A', 'B'], ['E01', 1, 0], ['E02', 5, 0], ['E03', 10, 2] ]; const result = csv.reduce((r, a, i) => { if (i) { a.forEach((e, j) => { if (j) { let key = csv[0][j] if (!r[key]) r[key] = {} r[key][a[0]] = e; } }) } return r; }, {}) console.log(result) 

You could also first take columns from first array with slice and then use reduce to build object. 您也可以先从带有slice第一个数组中获取列,然后使用reduce来构建对象。

 const csv = [ ['title', 'A', 'B'], ['E01', 1, 0], ['E02', 5, 0], ['E03', 10, 2] ]; const keys = csv[0].slice(1) const result = csv.slice(1).reduce((r, a) => { a.slice(1).forEach((e, i) => { let key = keys[i] if (!r[key]) r[key] = {} r[key][a[0]] = e }); return r; }, {}) console.log(result) 

You can use nested for loops to achieve the result : 您可以使用嵌套的for循环来获得结果:

 var arr = [ ['title', 'A', 'B'] , ['E01', 1 , 0] , ['E02', 5 , 0] , ['E03', 10, 2] ]; var obj = {}; for(var i = 1; i < arr[0].length; i++){ obj[arr[0][i]] = {}; for(var j = 1; j < arr.length; j++){ obj[arr[0][i]][arr[j][0]] = arr[j][i]; } } console.log(obj); 

I think this may work to you. 我认为这可能对您有用。 I've added comments. 我已添加评论。 Hope it works to you! 希望它对您有用!

const csvData =[
  ['title', 'A', 'B'] ,
  ['E01', 1 , 0] ,
  ['E02', 5 , 0] ,
  ['E03', 10, 2]

// Separates the header from the data
const header = csvData.shift();

// Takes out the first row as we are not going to use it.

// Create the output data
const output = {};

// Iterate each header value to create the keys. Ex { A: {}, B: {}}
for(let i=0; i<header.length; i++) {
    const key = header[i];

  // Creates the Key Property
  output[key] = {};

  // Assign the Values on the Key based on the rows with data
  for (let j=0; j< csvData.length; j++) {
    const row = [ ...csvData[j] ];

    // As the first column is always the key property, we take it
    const prop = row.shift();

    // Then we take the value according the header index (i)
    const value = row[i];
    output[key][prop] = value;


I also create a fiddle . 我也制造一个小提琴

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