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[英]css print preview page is cut

As you can see in this Image , The title of the next table is being cut when the first table is having more records, sometimes the table before page break is long sometimes its short. 如您在该图像中所看到的,当第一个表具有更多记录时,下一个表的标题将被剪切,分页符之前的表有时很长,有时又很短。

How can i make a dynamic margin adjustment at the bottom? 如何在底部进行动态边距调整? To avoid those unwanted cutoffs? 为了避免不必要的截止?

    @page {
      margin-top: 13mm;
      margin-left: 1px;
      margin-right: 1px;
      size: short;
    @media print {
      html, body {
        width: 250mm;
        height: 297mm;
      /* ... the rest of the rules ... */

according to your images, I guess you can try page-break-before or page-break-after 根据您的图片,我想您可以尝试page-break-beforepage-break-after

@media print {
    h1 {
        page-break-before: auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit;
        page-break-after:  auto | always | avoid | left | right | inherit;

And two articles might explain these two CSS properties, click here and click here 有两篇文章可能会解释这两个CSS属性, 请单击此处然后单击此处

if you can provide some code or example on fiddler will be awesome for others to help you 如果您可以在Fiddler上提供一些代码或示例,那么其他人可以帮助您

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