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[英]Is there a way to delete MX records from a Cloudflare App?

I'm working on an app that updates the site's MX records to redirect mail for the site to our servers. 我正在开发一个更新网站MX记录以将网站的邮件重定向到我们的服务器的应用程序。 I'd like to be able to remove the MX records we add when the site is uninstalled, since at that point we'll stop accepting mail for the domain. 我希望能够删除在卸载网站时添加的MX记录,因为从那时起,我们将停止接受域的邮件。 It seems like other record types, such as TXT, are removed on uninstall, but MX records are not. 似乎其他记录类型(如TXT)在卸载时已删除,但MX记录却没有。 Is there a way I can remove them? 有什么方法可以删除它们吗?

MX records should be removed with an uninstall as well. MX记录也应通过卸载来删除。 Did the zone you test on have the mx record prior to installing the app? 在安装应用程序之前,您测试的区域是否有mx记录? Have you tested with multiple zones? 您是否对多个区域进行了测试? I recommend creating a test zone (doesn't have to be active) and not adding any mx records then see what happens. 我建议创建一个测试区域(不必处于活动状态)并且不添加任何mx记录,然后看看会发生什么。

This was a bug, which has since been fixed. 这是一个错误,此错误已得到修复。 MX records are now correctly removed when the app is uninstalled. 卸载应用程序后,现在可以正确删除MX记录。

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