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如何限制 NSTextField 文本长度并保持大写?

[英]How to limit NSTextField text length and keep it always upper case?

Need to have an NSTextField with a text limit of 4 characters maximum and show always in upper case but can't figure out a good way of achieving that.需要有一个文本限制为最多 4 个字符的 NSTextField 并始终以大写显示,但无法找到实现这一目标的好方法。 I've tried to do it through a binding with a validation method but the validation only gets called when the control loses first responder and that's no good.我试图通过与验证方法的绑定来做到这一点,但只有在控件失去第一响应者时才会调用验证,这是不好的。

Temporarly I made it work by observing the notification NSControlTextDidChangeNotification on the text field and having it call the method:暂时我通过观察文本字段上的通知 NSControlTextDidChangeNotification 并让它调用方法来使其工作:

- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification {
  NSTextField* textField = [notification object];
  NSString* value = [textField stringValue];
  if ([value length] > 4) {
    [textField setStringValue:[[value uppercaseString] substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4)]];
  } else {
    [textField setStringValue:[value uppercaseString]];

But this surely isn't the best way of doing it.但这肯定不是最好的方法。 Any better suggestion?有什么更好的建议吗?

I did as Graham Lee suggested and it works fine, here's the custom formatter code:我按照 Graham Lee 的建议做了,效果很好,这是自定义格式化程序代码:

UPDATED: Added fix reported by Dave Gallagher.更新:添加了 Dave Gallagher 报告的修复。 Thanks!谢谢!

@interface CustomTextFieldFormatter : NSFormatter {
  int maxLength;
- (void)setMaximumLength:(int)len;
- (int)maximumLength;


@implementation CustomTextFieldFormatter

- (id)init {

   if(self = [super init]){

      maxLength = INT_MAX;

  return self;

- (void)setMaximumLength:(int)len {
  maxLength = len;

- (int)maximumLength {
  return maxLength;

- (NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)object {
  return (NSString *)object;

- (BOOL)getObjectValue:(id *)object forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString **)error {
  *object = string;
  return YES;

- (BOOL)isPartialStringValid:(NSString **)partialStringPtr
          originalString:(NSString *)origString
        errorDescription:(NSString **)error {
    if ([*partialStringPtr length] > maxLength) {
        return NO;

    if (![*partialStringPtr isEqual:[*partialStringPtr uppercaseString]]) {
      *partialStringPtr = [*partialStringPtr uppercaseString];
      return NO;

    return YES;

- (NSAttributedString *)attributedStringForObjectValue:(id)anObject withDefaultAttributes:(NSDictionary *)attributes {
  return nil;



In the above example where I commented, this is bad:在上面我评论的例子中,这很糟糕:

// Don't use:
- (BOOL)isPartialStringValid:(NSString *)partialString
            newEditingString:(NSString **)newString
            errorDescription:(NSString **)error
    if ((int)[partialString length] > maxLength)
        *newString = nil;
        return NO;

Use this (or something like it) instead:改用这个(或类似的东西):

// Good to use:
- (BOOL)isPartialStringValid:(NSString **)partialStringPtr
              originalString:(NSString *)origString
            errorDescription:(NSString **)error
    int size = [*partialStringPtr length];
    if ( size > maxLength )
        return NO;
    return YES;

Both are NSFormatter methods.两者都是 NSFormatter 方法。 The first one has an issue.第一个有问题。 Say you limit text-entry to 10 characters.假设您将文本输入限制为 10 个字符。 If you type characters in one-by-one into an NSTextField, it'll work fine and prevent users from going beyond 10 characters.如果您将字符一个一个地输入到 NSTextField 中,它会正常工作并防止用户超过 10 个字符。

However, if a user was to paste a string of, say, 25 characters into the Text Field, what'll happen is something like this:但是,如果用户要将一个字符串(例如 25 个字符)粘贴到文本字段中,则会发生如下情况:

1) User will paste into TextField 1) 用户将粘贴到 TextField

2) TextField will accept the string of characters 2) TextField 将接受字符串

3) TextField will apply the formatter to the "last" character in the 25-length string 3) TextField 将格式化程序应用于 25 长度字符串中的“最后一个”字符

4) Formatter does stuff to the "last" character in the 25-length string, ignoring the rest 4) Formatter 对 25 长度字符串中的“最后一个”字符进行处理,忽略其余部分

5) TextField will end up with 25 characters in it, even though it's limited to 10. 5) TextField 最终将包含 25 个字符,即使它被限制为 10 个。

This is because, I believe, the first method only applies to the "very last character" typed into an NSTextField.这是因为,我相信,第一种方法仅适用于输入到 NSTextField 中的“最后一个字符”。 The second method shown above applies to "all characters" typed into the NSTextField.上面显示的第二种方法适用于输入到 NSTextField 中的“所有字符”。 So it's immune to the "paste" exploit.所以它不受“粘贴”漏洞的影响。

I discovered this just now trying to break my application, and am not an expert on NSFormatter, so please correct me if I'm wrong.我刚刚发现这个试图破坏我的应用程序,并且不是 NSFormatter 的专家,所以如果我错了,请纠正我。 And very much thanks to you carlosb for posting that example.非常感谢carlosb发布该示例。 It helped a LOT!它帮助了很多! :) :)

This implementation adopts several of the suggestions commented on above.这个实现采用了上面评论的几个建议。 Notably it works correctly with continuously updating bindings.值得注意的是,它可以在不断更新绑定的情况下正常工作。

In addition:此外:

  1. It implements paste correctly.它正确地实现了粘贴。

  2. It includes some notes on how to use the class effectively in a nib without further subclassing.它包括一些关于如何在笔尖中有效使用类而无需进一步子类化的说明。

The code:编码:

@interface BPPlainTextFormatter : NSFormatter {
    NSInteger _maxLength;


 Set the maximum string length. 

 Note that to use this class within a Nib:
 1. Add an NSFormatter as a Custom Formatter.
 2. In the Identity inspector set the Class to BPPlainTextFormatter
 3. In user defined attributes add Key Path: maxLength Type: Number Value: 30

 Note that rather than attaching formatter instances to individual cells they
 can be positioned in the nib Objects section and referenced by numerous controls.
 A name, such as Plain Text Formatter 100, can  be used to identify the formatters max length.

@property NSInteger maxLength;


@implementation BPPlainTextFormatter
@synthesize maxLength = _maxLength;

- (id)init
    if(self = [super init]){
        self.maxLength = INT_MAX;

    return self;

- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
    // support Nib based initialisation
    self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
    if (self) {
        self.maxLength = INT_MAX;

    return self;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Textual Representation of Cell Content

- (NSString *)stringForObjectValue:(id)object
    NSString *stringValue = nil;
    if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {

        // A new NSString is perhaps not required here
        // but generically a new object would be generated
        stringValue = [NSString stringWithString:object];

    return stringValue;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Object Equivalent to Textual Representation

- (BOOL)getObjectValue:(id *)object forString:(NSString *)string errorDescription:(NSString **)error
    BOOL valid = YES;

    // Be sure to generate a new object here or binding woe ensues
    // when continuously updating bindings are enabled.
    *object = [NSString stringWithString:string];

    return valid;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Dynamic Cell Editing

- (BOOL)isPartialStringValid:(NSString **)partialStringPtr
              originalString:(NSString *)origString
            errorDescription:(NSString **)error
    BOOL valid = YES;

    NSString *proposedString = *partialStringPtr;
    if ([proposedString length] > self.maxLength) {

        // The original string has been modified by one or more characters (via pasting).
        // Either way compute how much of the proposed string can be accommodated.
        NSInteger origLength = origString.length;
        NSInteger insertLength = self.maxLength - origLength;

        // If a range is selected then characters in that range will be removed
        // so adjust the insert length accordingly
        insertLength += origSelRange.length;

        // Get the string components
        NSString *prefix = [origString substringToIndex:origSelRange.location];
        NSString *suffix = [origString substringFromIndex:origSelRange.location + origSelRange.length];
        NSString *insert = [proposedString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(origSelRange.location, insertLength)];

#ifdef _TRACE

        NSLog(@"Original string: %@", origString);
        NSLog(@"Original selection location: %u length %u", origSelRange.location, origSelRange.length);

        NSLog(@"Proposed string: %@", proposedString);
        NSLog(@"Proposed selection location: %u length %u", proposedSelRangePtr->location, proposedSelRangePtr->length);

        NSLog(@"Prefix: %@", prefix);
        NSLog(@"Suffix: %@", suffix);
        NSLog(@"Insert: %@", insert);

        // Assemble the final string
        *partialStringPtr = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@", prefix, insert, suffix] uppercaseString];

        // Fix-up the proposed selection range
        proposedSelRangePtr->location = origSelRange.location + insertLength;
        proposedSelRangePtr->length = 0;

#ifdef _TRACE

        NSLog(@"Final string: %@", *partialStringPtr);
        NSLog(@"Final selection location: %u length %u", proposedSelRangePtr->location, proposedSelRangePtr->length);

        valid = NO;

    return valid;


I needed a Formatter to convert to uppercase for Swift 4. For reference I've included it here:我需要一个 Formatter 来转换为 Swift 4 的大写。作为参考,我将它包含在这里:

import Foundation

class UppercaseFormatter : Formatter {

    override func string(for obj: Any?) -> String? {
        if let stringValue = obj as? String {
            return stringValue.uppercased()
        return nil

    override func getObjectValue(_ obj: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>?, for string: String, errorDescription error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>?) -> Bool {
        obj?.pointee = string as AnyObject
        return true

Swift version of Carlos Barbosa answer, if someone needs it.如果有人需要,Swift 版本的Carlos Barbosa 会回答。

Example of usage:用法示例:

myTextField.formatter = CustomTextFieldFormatter(maxLength: 10, isUppercased: true)

class CustomTextFieldFormatter: Formatter {
    var maxLength: UInt
    var isUppercased: Bool
    init(maxLength: UInt, isUppercased: Bool) {
        self.maxLength = maxLength
        self.isUppercased = isUppercased
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    override func string(for obj: Any?) -> String? {
        return obj as? String
    override func getObjectValue(_ obj: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject?>?, for string: String, errorDescription error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>?) -> Bool {
        obj?.pointee = string as AnyObject
        return true
    override func isPartialStringValid(_ partialStringPtr: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString>, proposedSelectedRange proposedSelRangePtr: NSRangePointer?, originalString origString: String, originalSelectedRange origSelRange: NSRange, errorDescription error: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<NSString?>?) -> Bool {
        if partialStringPtr.pointee.length > maxLength {
            return false
        if isUppercased && partialStringPtr.pointee != partialStringPtr.pointee.uppercased as NSString {
            partialStringPtr.pointee = partialStringPtr.pointee.uppercased as NSString
            return false
        return true
    override func attributedString(for obj: Any, withDefaultAttributes attrs: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]? = nil) -> NSAttributedString? {
        return nil

The custom NSFormatter that Graham Lee suggested is the best approach. Graham Lee 建议的自定义 NSFormatter 是最好的方法。

A simple kludge would be to set your view controller as the text field's delegate then just block any edit that involves non-uppercase or makes the length longer than 4:一个简单的方法是将您的视图控制器设置为文本字段的委托,然后阻止任何涉及非大写字母或长度超过 4 的编辑:

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField
    replacementString:(NSString *)string
    NSMutableString *newValue = [[textField.text mutableCopy] autorelease];
    [newValue replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:string];

    NSCharacterSet *nonUppercase =
        [[NSCharacterSet uppercaseLetterCharacterSet] invertedSet];
    if ([newValue length] > 4 ||
        [newValue rangeOfCharacterFromSet:nonUppercase].location !=
       return NO;

    return YES;

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