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如何使页脚停留在页面底部? (不使用位置:固定)

[英]How to make footer stay at the bottom of the page? (not using position:fixed)

I'm having trouble making my footer stay at the bottom of my page. 我无法使页脚停留在页面底部。 I don't want it to be fixed when scrolling, just when the user reaches the bottom of the page. 我不希望在滚动时(仅当用户到达页面底部时)将其修复。 I think it has something to do with my grid. 我认为这与我的网格有关。


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  Created by Carisa Atmarini

I have tried doing this but it became positioned above the body instead of being at the bottom. 我尝试过这样做,但它位于身体上方,而不是底部。 If anyone has a clue, please let me know. 如果有人有任何线索,请告诉我。

Here's my codepen link for the full page: https://codepen.io/codecarisa/pen/pZoXYW 这是我整页的codepen链接: https ://codepen.io/codecarisa/pen/pZoXYW

I think the main issue is .col_contain : remove the height. 我认为主要问题是.col_contain :删除高度。

Also remove position: absolute on the footer, and make sure the footer is inside the body. 还要移开position: absolute放在页脚上,并确保页脚在主体内部。

And change the padding on the body: 并更改主体上的填充:

body { padding-bottom: 0; }

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