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[英]RegExp replace all letter but not first and last

I have to replace all letters of name on ****. 我必须替换****上的所有姓名字母。 Example: 例:

Jeniffer -> J****r 珍妮弗-> J **** r

I try $(this).text( $(this).text().replace(/([^\\w])\\//g, "*")) 我尝试$(this).text( $(this).text().replace(/([^\\w])\\//g, "*"))

Also, if name is Ron -> R****n 另外,如果名称是Ron-> R **** n

You can use a regular expression for this, by capturing the first and last letters in a capture group and ignoring all letters between them, then using the capture groups in the replacement: 可以为此使用正则表达式,方法是捕获捕获组中的第一个和最后一个字母,然后忽略它们之间的所有字母,然后在替换中使用捕获组:

var updated = name.replace(/^(.).*(.)$/, "$1****$2");

Live Example: 现场示例:

 function obscure(name) { return name.replace(/^(.).*(.)$/, "$1****$2"); } function test(name) { console.log(name, "=>", obscure(name)); } test("Ron"); test("Jeniffer"); 

But it's perhaps easier without: 但是,如果没有以下内容,可能会更容易:

var updated = name[0] + "****" + name[name.length - 1];

Live Example: 现场示例:

 function obscure(name) { return name[0] + "****" + name[name.length - 1];; } function test(name) { console.log(name, "=>", obscure(name)); } test("Ron"); test("Jeniffer"); 

Both of those do assume the names will be at least two characters long. 这两个都假定名称至少有两个字符长。 I pity the fool who tries this on Mr. T's surname. 我很可惜以 T先生的姓氏来尝试的傻瓜

Since, you need to have four asterisk on each condition, you can create a reusable function that will create this format for you: 由于每个条件上需要有四个星号,因此可以创建一个可重用的函数,该函数将为您创建此格式:

 function replace(str){ var firstChar = str.charAt(0); var lastChar = str.charAt(str.length-1); return firstChar + '****' + lastChar; } var str = 'Jeniffer'; console.log(replace(str)); str = 'America'; console.log(replace(str)) 

Appears that you're looking for regex lookaround 似乎您在寻找正则表达式环顾

Regex: (?<=\\w)(\\w+)(?=\\w) - group 1 matches all characters which follow one character and followed by another one. 正则表达式: (?<=\\w)(\\w+)(?=\\w) -基团1个匹配随后一个字符, 接着一个又一个的所有字符。

Tests: https://regex101.com/r/PPeEqx/2/ 测试: https//regex101.com/r/PPeEqx/2/

More Info: https://www.regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html 更多信息: https : //www.regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html

Find first and last chars and append **** to the first one and add the last one: 查找第一个和最后一个字符,并在第一个字符后加上****并添加最后一个:

const firstName = 'Jeniffer';

const result = firstName.match(/^.|.$/gi).reduce((s, c, i) => `${s}${!i ? `${c}****` : c }`, '');


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