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[英]Python: Create structured numpy structured array from two columns in a DataFrame

How do you create a structured array from two columns in a DataFrame? 如何从DataFrame中的两列创建结构化数组? I tried this: 我试过这个:

df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1,2],[10,20]], columns=['a','b'])

    a   b
0   1   2
1   10  20

x = np.array([([val for val in list(df['a'])],
               [val for val in list(df['b'])])])

But this gives me this: 但这给了我这个:

array([[[ 1, 10],
        [ 2, 20]]])

But I wanted this: 但我想要这个:


Thanks! 谢谢!

There are a couple of methods. 有几种方法。 You may experience a loss in performance and functionality relative to regular NumPy arrays. 相对于常规NumPy阵列,您可能会遇到性能和功能损失。

record array 记录数组

You can use pd.DataFrame.to_records with index=False . 您可以使用index=False pd.DataFrame.to_records Technically, this is a record array , but for many purposes this will be sufficient. 从技术上讲,这是一个记录阵列 ,但出于许多目的,这就足够了。

res1 = df.to_records(index=False)


rec.array([(1, 2), (10, 20)], 
          dtype=[('a', '<i8'), ('b', '<i8')])

structured array 结构化数组

Manually, you can construct a structured array via conversion to tuple by row, then specifying a list of tuples for the dtype parameter. 手动,您可以通过逐行转换为tuple来构造结构化数组,然后为dtype参数指定元组列表。

s = df.dtypes
res2 = np.array([tuple(x) for x in df.values], dtype=list(zip(s.index, s)))


array([(1, 2), (10, 20)], 
      dtype=[('a', '<i8'), ('b', '<i8')])

What's the difference? 有什么不同?

Very little. 很少。 recarray is a subclass of ndarray , the regular NumPy array type. recarray是的子类ndarray ,常规NumPy的阵列型。 On the other hand, the structured array in the second example is of type ndarray . 另一方面,第二个例子中的结构化数组是ndarray类型。

type(res1)                    # numpy.recarray
isinstance(res1, np.ndarray)  # True
type(res2)                    # numpy.ndarray

The main difference is record arrays facilitate attribute lookup, while structured arrays will yield AttributeError : 主要区别是记录数组有助于属性查找,而结构化数组将产生AttributeError

array([ 1, 10], dtype=int64)

AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'a'

Related: NumPy “record array” or “structured array” or “recarray” 相关: NumPy“记录数组”或“结构化数组”或“重新排列”

Use list comprehension for convert nested list s to tuple s: 使用list comprehension将嵌套list转换为tuple

print ([tuple(x) for x in df.values.tolist()])
[(1, 2), (10, 20)]

Detail : 细节

print (df.values.tolist())
[[1, 2], [10, 20]]

EDIT: You can convert by to_records and then to np.asarray , check link : 编辑:你可以转换为to_records然后转换为np.asarray ,检查链接

df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[True, 1,2],[False, 10,20]], columns=['a','b','c'])
print (df)
       a   b   c
0   True   1   2
1  False  10  20

print (np.asarray(df.to_records(index=False)))
[( True,  1,  2) (False, 10, 20)]

Here's a one-liner: 这是一个单行:

list(df.apply(lambda x: tuple(x), axis=1))

or 要么

df.apply(lambda x: tuple(x), axis=1).values

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