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如何在Hyperledger Fabric中使用Node JS SDK?

[英]how to use node js SDK in hyperledger Fabric?

i have started a fabric 1.1 blockchain network with two orgs org1 and org2 and having two peers each with single orderer and certificate Authority. 我已经启动了一个具有两个组织org1和org2的Fabric 1.1区块链网络,并且有两个对等方,每个对等方都具有单个订购者和证书颁发机构。 created a Channel and added peers to that and installed same chaincode on to 4 peers using Hyperledger composer with ConnectionProfiles.json, Now am confused of using NODE JS SDK :( wheteher to use (NODE JS SDK) to communicate to peers in the above (FABRIC 1.1 ) network created or it(node js SDK) is used to create channel & add peers Does node JS replaces the composer ????? 创建了一个Channel并向其添加对等体,并使用Hyperledger composer和ConnectionProfiles.json在4个对等体上安装了相同的链码,现在对于使用NODE JS SDK感到困惑:创建的FABRIC 1.1)网络或使用它(节点js SDK)创建通道并添加对等节点节点JS取代了作曲家吗?

It is not compulsory that you need node sdk to connect with hyperledger. 您不需要节点sdk来连接Hyperledger。 You can easily connect with hyperledger composer through node.Than you can easily write a node code to connect two Peers Easily 您可以轻松地通过node与hyperledger composer连接,而不是编写节点代码轻松连接两个Peers

    var request = require('request');

var headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Accept': 'application/json'

var dataString = '{ \ 
   "$class": "test.User", \ 
   "uid": "01", \ 
   "firstName": "Prateek", \ 
   "lastName": "Tiwari", \ 
   "emailAddress": "prat%40", \ 
   "contactNo": "789", \ 
   "password": "7596.." \ 

var options = {
    url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/test.User',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: headers,
    body: dataString

function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

request(options, callback);

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