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[英]Angular - Declare variable within component template

I have to disable/enable a button based on the value from a textbox. 我必须基于文本框中的值来禁用/启用按钮。

This is how I do it currently 这是我目前的做法

<input [(ngModel)]="confirmationText" type='text'>
<button [disabled]="confirmationText != 'yes'">Delete</button>

The problem: This works, but I have to declare confirmationText in my component.ts file and I use it only in the template, So I'm looking for a way to declare it within the component's template so that I can keep my component class clean. 问题:这行得通,但是我必须在我的component.ts文件中声明confirmationText ,并且只能在模板中使用它,所以我正在寻找一种在组件的模板中声明它的方法,以便保留我的组件类清洁。

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You can use a template reference variable to achieve what you want. 您可以使用模板引用变量来实现所需的功能。 Please note that the ngModel directive must be set on the input element in order to make it work. 请注意,必须在输入元素上设置ngModel指令,以使其起作用。

<input #textInput type="text" ngModel>
<button [disabled]="textInput.value !== 'yes'">Delete</button>

See this stackblitz for a demo. 有关演示,请参见此堆叠闪电战

you must get the value in the template reference like this 您必须像这样在模板引用中获取值

<input [(ngModel)]="confirmationText" type='text' #myInput> <button [disabled]="myInput.value != 'yes'">Delete</button>

look at my solution 看我的解决方案

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