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[英]Storing simulation results in R

I want to estimate Mantel-Haenszel Differential Item Functioning (DIF) Odds Ratio and HMDDIF index. 我想估计Mantel-Haenszel差异项功能(DIF)赔率和HMDDIF指数。 I wrote the function below. 我在下面编写了函数。 It seems to me I am making a mistake when storing the results. 在我看来,存储结果时我犯了一个错误。 Would you please take a look at this and give me feedback? 您能看看这个并给我反馈吗? Here is the sample data: 这是示例数据:

# generate dataset
r <- 1000
c <- 16
test <- matrix(rbinom(r*c,1,0.5),r,c)
# create sum scores for each student using first 15 columns
test <- cbind(test, apply(test[,1:15],1,sum))
colnames(test) <- c("v1","v2","v3","v4","v5","v6","v7","v8","v9","v10","v11","v12","v13","v14","v15","group","score")
test <- as.data.frame(test)

The first 15 columns are the student True/false responses to items/questions. 前15列是学生对项目/问题的正确/错误答案。 The group membership column is the 16th column. 组成员资格列是第16列。 The student "score" variable is the sum of item scores at the last (17th) column. 学生的“得分”变量是最后一列(第17列)的项目得分总和。 The formula can be found here in the picture that I got from Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_item_functioning ). 在我从Wikipedia( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_item_functioning )获得的图片中,可以找到该公式。 在此处输入图片说明

For each of the score category, I want to estimate the last two formulas in this picture. 对于每个分数类别,我想估计这张图中的最后两个公式。 Rows are 10 students and columns are six items/questions. 行是10个学生,列是六个项目/问题。 Again, the 16th column is group membership (1-focal, 0-reference) Here is my function code. 同样,第16列是组成员身份(1-焦点,0引用)这是我的功能代码。


# this function first starts with the first item and loop k scores from 1-15. Then move to the second item.
# data should only contain the items, grouping variable, and person score.

Mantel.Haenszel <- function (data) { 
  # browser() #runs with debug
  for (item in 1:15) { #item loop not grouping/scoring

    item.incorrect <- data[,item] == 0 
    item.correct   <- data[,item] == 1
    Results <-  c() 

    for (k in 1:15) { # for k scores

        Ak <- nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 0, item.correct)) #  freq of ref group & correct

        Bk <- nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 0, item.incorrect)) #  freq of ref group & incorrect

        Ck <- nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 1, item.correct)) #  freq of foc group & correct

        Dk <- nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 1, item.incorrect)) #  freq of foc group & incorrect

        nrk <- nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 0)) #sample size for ref

        nfk <- nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 1)) #sample size for focal

        if (Bk == 0 | Ck == 0) { 


      nominator   <-sum((Ak*Dk)/(nrk + nfk))
      denominator <-sum((Bk*Ck)/(nrk + nfk))
      odds.ratio  <- nominator/denominator

       if (odds.ratio == 0) { 


      MH.D.DIF <- (-2.35)*log(odds.ratio) #index

      # save the output
      out <- list("Odds Ratio" = odds.ratio, "MH Diff" = MH.D.DIF)
      results <- rbind(Results, out)

    } # close score loop

  } # close item loop

 } #close function

Here is what I get 这就是我得到的

# test funnction

> Mantel.Haenszel(test)
    Odds Ratio MH Diff 
out 0.2678571  3.095659

What I want to get is 我想要得到的是

> Mantel.Haenszel(test)
    Odds Ratio MH Diff 
out 0.2678571  3.095659
    ##         ##
    ..         ..
    (15 rows here for 15 score categories in the dataset)

Should you not expect a result for every combination of item and k , for a max number of output rows of 225, barring any instances with break ? 您不应该为itemk每种组合期望结果,最大输出行数为225,除非有break任何实例? If so, I think you just need to change a few minor things. 如果是这样,我认为您只需要更改一些小事情。 First, declare Results only once, at the beginning of your function. 首先,在函数开始时只声明一次Results Then, make sure you are rbind -ing and returning either Results or results, but not both. Then, move your 然后,确保您正在rbind并返回Resultsresults, but not both. Then, move your返回results, but not both. Then, move your results, but not both. Then, move your return to your actual function level rather than the loops. results, but not both. Then, move your返回值results, but not both. Then, move your到实际功能级别,而不是循环。 In the example below I've also included the current item and k for demonstration: 在下面的示例中,我还包括了当前itemk进行演示:

Mantel.Haenszel <- function (data) {
  # browser() #runs with debug

  Results <-  c()

  for (item in 1:15) {
    #item loop not grouping/scoring

    item.incorrect <- data[, item] == 0
    item.correct   <- data[, item] == 1

    for (k in 1:15) {
      # for k scores

      Ak <-
        nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 0, item.correct)) #  freq of ref group & correct

      Bk <-
        nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 0, item.incorrect)) #  freq of ref group & incorrect

      Ck <-
        nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 1, item.correct)) #  freq of foc group & correct

      Dk <-
        nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 1, item.incorrect)) #  freq of foc group & incorrect

      nrk <-
        nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 0)) #sample size for ref

      nfk <-
        nrow(filter(data, score == k, group == 1)) #sample size for focal

      if (Bk == 0 | Ck == 0) {

      nominator   <- sum((Ak * Dk) / (nrk + nfk))
      denominator <- sum((Bk * Ck) / (nrk + nfk))
      odds.ratio  <- nominator / denominator

      if (odds.ratio == 0) {

      MH.D.DIF <- (-2.35) * log(odds.ratio) #index

      # save the output
      out <-
          item = item,
          k = k,
          "Odds Ratio" = odds.ratio,
          "MH Diff" = MH.D.DIF
      Results <- rbind(Results, out)
    } # close score loop

  } # close item loop


} #close function

test.output <- Mantel.Haenszel(test)

Gives an output like: 给出类似的输出:

> head(test.output, 20)
    item k  Odds Ratio MH Diff    
out 1    3  2          -1.628896  
out 1    4  4.666667   -3.620046  
out 1    5  0.757085   0.6539573  
out 1    6  0.5823986  1.27041    
out 1    7  0.9893293  0.02521097 
out 1    8  1.078934   -0.1785381 
out 1    9  1.006237   -0.01461145
out 1    10 1.497976   -0.9496695 
out 1    11 1.435897   -0.8502066 
out 1    12 1.5        -0.952843  
out 2    3  0.8333333  0.4284557  
out 2    4  2.424242   -2.08097   
out 2    5  1.368664   -0.7375117 
out 2    6  1.222222   -0.4715761 
out 2    7  0.6288871  1.089938   
out 2    8  1.219512   -0.4663597 
out 2    9  1          0          
out 2    10 2.307692   -1.965183  
out 2    11 0.6666667  0.952843   
out 2    12 0.375      2.304949 

Is that what you're looking for? 那是您要找的东西吗?

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