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[英]QPainterPath stroke artifacts

I am putting together a QPainterPath with text, then I'm drawing it, first with QPainter::strokePath , then with QPainter::fillPath . 我将QPainterPath和文本放在一起,然后绘制,首先是QPainter::strokePath ,然后是QPainter::fillPath However, the stroke exhibits artefacts, as shown in the image. 但是,该笔画显示了伪影,如图中所示。 Anything I am doing wrong/how to prevent this? 我做错了/如何防止这种情况? Should I report it as a bug? 我应该将其报告为错误吗? 例

I've found out that instead of using strokePath and fillPath , the following code works without artefacts and is even faster to render: 我发现,以下代码不是使用strokePathfillPath ,而是在没有伪影的情况下工作,并且渲染速度更快:

if(outlineEnabled) {
    p.setPen(QPen(outlineColor, outlineWidth/scaleFactor, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
    for(const auto &polygon : path.toSubpathPolygons())
        p.drawPolygon(polygon, Qt::OddEvenFill);

for(const auto &polygon : path.toFillPolygons())
    p.drawPolygon(polygon, Qt::OddEvenFill);

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