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[英]In Python, searching a text file for multiple words and printing the corresponding lines

I have a list of sentences I would like to search. 我有一个要搜索的句子列表。 I want to print the lines that contain my search words. 我要打印包含搜索词的行。 This code works: 此代码有效:

fruit_list = open('fruitlist.txt')
for line in fruit_list:
    if 'apple' in line or 'banana' in line or 'orange' in line:
        print (line)

But this can be pretty tedious; 但是,这可能非常乏味。 especially if I want my list of search words to be longer. 特别是如果我希望我的搜索词列表更长。 I would like to make a list of search words and use that to search the document and print the line. 我想列出搜索词,并使用它来搜索文档并打印行。

for line in fruit_list:
    if item in search_words in line:
        print (line)

This code doesn't work because "item" isn't defined. 该代码无效,因为未定义“项目”。 Anyway I could get this done? 无论如何,我可以做到这一点? I'm a newbie with python. 我是python的新手。

Try this: 尝试这个:

fruit_list = open('fruitlist.txt')

search_words = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lemon']

for line in fruit_list:
    if any(word in line for word in search_words):
# with Regular Expression 
import re

fruit_list = open('test.txt')
search_words = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'lemon']

patten = re.compile("(.*(apple|banana|orange|lemon)(.*))")

for i in [re.search(patten,line).groups() for line  in      fruit_list  if re.search(patten,line) != None]: print(i)

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