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[英]Javascript ignore case

quick question here. 在这里快速提问。 Im writing a discord bot in discord.js, which uses javascript. 我在discord.js中编写了一个使用JavaScript的discord机器人。 Here is a snippet of my current code: 这是我当前代码的一个片段:

if (message.content.includes("hello")){ message.react("👍")}

This, however, only returns the react if it is in that exact case, not if it is Hello, HELLO or helLO. 但是,只有在这种情况下才返回反应,如果是Hello,HELLO或helLO,则不返回反应。 How could i change the code so it accepts all variations? 我如何更改代码,使其接受所有变化?

Many thanks for any answers 非常感谢您的任何回答

You may use following snippet to find case insensitive matches. 您可以使用以下代码段查找不区分大小写的匹配项。

 let message = "Okay google Chrome say Hello"; let regex = new RegExp("hello","gi"); if(message.match(regex)){ //react console.log("Reacting"); }else{ console.log("Not reacting"); } 

You to can convert one side or both into lower or uppercase and then compare. 您可以将一侧或两侧都转换为小写或大写,然后进行比较。

var message = "Hello World";

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