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在Redux React JS中重定向后无法从存储中检索状态

[英]Unable to retrieve the state from the store after redirection in Redux React JS

I am developing a Web application using React JS + Redux. 我正在使用React JS + Redux开发一个Web应用程序。 I am new to React. 我是React的新手。 What I am doing now is trying to set the state on one page and then retrieve the state in another page after redirection. 我现在正在做的是尝试在一个页面上设置状态,然后在重定向后在另一页面上检索状态。

I have a Component called EventListComponent that displays the list of events. 我有一个名为EventListComponent的组件,用于显示事件列表。 Inside that component, I change the state of a reducer calling an event. 在该组件内部,我更改了调用事件的reducer的状态。

This is the reducer function I call. 这是我调用的reducer函数。

import * as EditEventActions from '../actions/edit.event.actions';

export default function (state = { }, action){
    switch (action.type)
        case EditEventActions.EVENT_SET_EDITING_EVENT:
        return { ...state, event: action.payload }

        return state;

I fire the actions before redirecting to another page like this. 我先触发操作,然后再重定向到另一个这样的页面。

       pathname : '/event/'+ event.id +'/edit'

In the new page, I render the component called, EditEventComponent. 在新页面中,我渲染名为EditEventComponent的组件。

This is the definition of the EditEventComponent 这是EditEventComponent的定义

export class EditEventComponent extends React.Component{


        alert(this.props.event.id)//cannot retrieve event here

        return (
            <h4>This is the Edit Event component</h4>


function mapStateToProps(state)
    return {
        event: state.editEvent.event

function matchDispatchToProps(dispatch)
    return bindActionCreators({

    }, dispatch);

const enhance = compose(withWidth(), withStyles(themeStyles, { withTheme: true }), connect(mapStateToProps, matchDispatchToProps))
export default enhance(EditEventComponent);

As you can see, inside the EditEventComponent I am trying to retrieve the event field of the state which is set in the previous page. 如您所见,在EditEventComponent内部,我试图检索上一页中设置的状态的事件字段。 But I cannot retrieve it. 但是我找不到它。 My questions are 我的问题是

  1. Is the state (of the redux store) reset after redirecting to the new page? 重定向到新页面后,(redux存储的)状态是否重置?

  2. What is wrong with my code? 我的代码有什么问题?

  3. If what I am doing is not the right approach, what would be the best way to pass an object from one page to another in React Redux? 如果我做的不是正确的方法,那么在React Redux中将对象从一页传递到另一页的最佳方法是什么?

Here is my action 这是我的行动


export const setEditingEvent = (data) => ({
    payload: data

Here is the reducer 这是减速器

import * as EditEventActions from '../actions/edit.event.actions';

export default function (state = { }, action){
    switch (action.type)
        case EditEventActions.EVENT_SET_EDITING_EVENT:
        return { ...state, event: action.payload }

        return state;

I expose the EventListComponent in this way as well. 我也以这种方式公开EventListComponent。

const enhance = compose(withWidth(), withStyles(themeStyles, { withTheme: true }), connect(mapStateToProps, matchDispatchToProps))

export default enhance(EventListComponent);


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