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AWS Lambda/API 网关 - 传递 ID 以使用 node.js 在 mysql 中删除一行

[英]AWS Lambda/API Gateway - Pass an ID to delete a row in mysql with node.js

I wrote a simple restful API in Node.js for different HTTP-Requests which i then tried to realize with Lambda functions.我在 Node.js 中为不同的 HTTP 请求编写了一个简单的 Restful API,然后我尝试使用 Lambda 函数来实现。 My problem with the DELETE statement in Lambda is that i dont know how to pass an ID through the API gateway to delete a certain row in the mysql table.我在 Lambda 中使用 DELETE 语句的问题是我不知道如何通过 API 网关传递 ID 以删除 mysql 表中的某一行。

With node.js, I just defined it through the route of the URL (ex. /contacts/:id) and then accessed it with .params.id.使用 node.js,我只是通过 URL 的路由(例如 /contacts/:id)定义它,然后使用 .params.id 访问它。 How would you pass an a value (the ID) for the same route (/contacts) to then use it in the handler below to delete a the row with that specific ID?您将如何为同一路由 (/contacts) 传递一个值(ID),然后在下面的处理程序中使用它来删除具有该特定 ID 的行?

The Code i posted below works fine when u invoke it locally with --data, for example:当您使用 --data 在本地调用它时,我在下面发布的代码可以正常工作,例如:

serverless invoke local --function delete --data "2"

the same code works too if i deploy the lambda if i pass the testdata { "id": "1" } and use event.id instead of event.如果我通过 testdata { "id": "1" } 并使用 event.id 而不是 event,那么如果我部署 lambda,同样的代码也可以工作。

I realize that this is not the way you do it, but i ve finally run out of ideas and decided to post my issue here.我意识到这不是你做的方式,但我终于用完了想法并决定在这里发布我的问题。 :-) So, how do i pass and ID with my DELETE HTTP-Request to /contacts through the api gateway and use it in the mysql query? :-) 那么,我如何通过 api 网关将带有 DELETE HTTP 请求的 ID 传递到 /contacts 并在 mysql 查询中使用它?

module.exports.handler = (event, context, callback) =>
    const mysql = require('mysql');
    var connection = mysql.createConnection({
        host: 'localhost',
        user: 'root',
        password: ''
// Use the connection
    connection.query('DELETE FROM sqllambdadb.contacts WHERE id=?', event, function (err, res) {
        if (err) throw err;
        else if (res.affectedRows>0) callback(err, 'EMail with ID: '+ event+ ' deleted!');
        else callback(err, 'No row with ID: '+ event+ ' found!');

API Gateway maps requests to the input event object API Gateway 将请求映射到输入事件对象

    "resource": "Resource path",
    "path": "Path parameter",
    "httpMethod": "Incoming request's method name"
    "headers": {Incoming request headers}
    "queryStringParameters": {query string parameters }
    "pathParameters":  {path parameters}
    "stageVariables": {Applicable stage variables}
    "requestContext": {Request context, including authorizer-returned key-value pairs}
    "body": "A JSON string of the request payload."
    "isBase64Encoded": "A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode"

In your example, depending on the segement's alias your using, you'd access the id by either destructuring the appropriate event object, or referencing directly via event.pathParameters.id在您的示例中,根据您使用的段别名,您可以通过解构适当的事件对象或直接通过event.pathParameters.id引用来访问 id

const mysql = require('mysql');

module.exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
  var connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'root',
    password: ''

  //Destructing id from event.pathParameters object
  var {id} = event.pathParameters

  // Use the connection
  connection.query('DELETE FROM sqllambdadb.contacts WHERE id=?', id, function (err, res) {
    if (err) throw err;
    else if (res.affectedRows>0) callback(err, 'EMail with ID: '+ id + ' deleted!');
    else callback(err, 'No row with ID: '+ id + ' found!');


So, i set up the yaml to add a parameter value to my URL:因此,我设置了 yaml 以将参数值添加到我的 URL:

  handler: src/delete.handler
      - node_modules/**
      - src/delete.js
      - serverlessAPI.iml
    - http:
        path: contact-management/contacts/{id}
        method: delete
        cors: true
        integration: LAMBDA
              id: true

with this config, the id will be saved directly in the event object under event.id so you can simply access it like this:使用此配置,id 将直接保存在 event.id 下的事件对象中,因此您可以像这样简单地访问它:

module.exports.handler = (event, context, callback) =>{
const mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'root',
    password: 'testt123'

var id = event.id;

// Use the connection
connection.query('DELETE FROM sqllambdadb.Contacts WHERE id=?', id, function (err, res) {
    if (err) throw err;
    else if (res.affectedRows>0) callback(err, 'EMail with ID: '+ id + ' deleted!');
    else callback(err, 'No row with ID: '+ id + ' found!');

you can test it by creating a testcase with the following input:您可以通过使用以下输入创建测试用例来测试它:

  "id": "$input.params('id')"

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