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[英]How do I replace an element in lxml with a string

I'm trying to figure out in lxml and python how to replace an element with a string. 我试图在lxml和python中找出如何用字符串替换元素。

In my experimentation, I have the following code: 在实验中,我有以下代码:

from lxml import etree as et

docstring = '<p>The value is permitted only when that includes <xref linkend=\"my linkend\" browsertext=\"something here\" filename=\"A_link.fm\"/>, otherwise the value is reserved.</p>'

topicroot = et.XML(docstring)
topicroot2 = et.ElementTree(topicroot) 
xref = topicroot2.xpath('//*/xref')
xref_attribute = xref[0].attrib['browsertext']

print href_attribute

The result is: 'something here' 结果是:“这里有东西”

This is the browser text attribute I'm looking for in this small sample. 这是我在此小样本中寻找的浏览器文本属性。 But what I can't seem to figure out is how to replace the entire element with the attribute text I've captured here. 但是我似乎无法弄清楚的是如何用我在这里捕获的属性文本替换整个元素。

(I do recognize that in my sample I could have multiple xrefs and will need to construct a loop to go through them properly.) (我确实知道在我的示例中我可能有多个外部参照,因此需要构造一个循环才能正确地通过它们。)

What's the best way to go about doing this? 这样做的最佳方法是什么?

And for those wondering, I'm having to do this because the link actually goes to a file that doesn't exist because of our different build systems. 对于那些想知道的人,我必须这样做是因为该链接实际上指向的文件由于我们的构建系统不同而不存在。

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

Try this (Python 3): 试试这个(Python 3):

from lxml import etree as et

docstring = '<p>The value is permitted only when that includes <xref linkend=\"my linkend\" browsertext=\"something here\" filename=\"A_link.fm\"/>, otherwise the value is reserved.</p>'

# Get the root element.
topicroot = et.XML(docstring)
topicroot2 = et.ElementTree(topicroot)

# Get the text of the root element. This is a list of strings!
topicroot2_text = topicroot2.xpath("text()")

# Get the xref elment.
xref = topicroot2.xpath('//*/xref')[0]
xref_attribute = xref.attrib['browsertext']

# Save a reference to the p element, remove the xref from it.
parent = xref.getparent()

# Set the text of the p element by combining the list of string with the
# extracted attribute value.
new_text = [topicroot2_text[0], xref_attribute, topicroot2_text[1]]
parent.text = "".join(new_text)


Output: 输出:

b'<p>The value is permitted only when that includes something here, otherwise the value is reserved.</p>'

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