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未在Angular 2中设置子组件值?

[英]Child component value not setting in Angular 2?

So I have my child component's value marked like so: 因此,我将子组件的值标记为:

@Input flag;

And then in the particular method I have: 然后在特定的方法中,我有:

myParentComponent.flag = true;

Then in the html of the parent component I have: 然后在父组件的html中,我有:

<app-childComponent-template [flag] = flag ></app-childComponent-template>

I'm using Chrome's inspection tool to watch the console where I'm logging the changes. 我正在使用Chrome的检查工具来查看记录更改的控制台。 When I set the flag to true in the child component it works, however, it won't carry over to the parent component and I can't figure out why. 但是,当我在子组件中将标志设置为true时,它会起作用,但是不会继承到父组件,因此我不知道为什么。 I've gone through this documentation ( https://angular.io/guide/component-interaction ) multiple times but everything seems to match up accordingly. 我已经多次阅读了本文档( https://angular.io/guide/component-interaction ),但似乎一切都相符了。

Thank you! 谢谢!

The syntax [flag] indicates that it's a one-way data binding: The parent will push changes to flag to the child. 语法[flag]表示这是一种单向数据绑定:父级将把更改推送给子级flag But changing the child's @Input flag variable will not emit a change to the parent. 但是更改子项的@Input flag变量不会向父项发出更改。

In order to do that, you need to use an @Output in the child component: 为此,您需要在子组件中使用@Output

@Input('flag') flag;
@Output('flag') flagChanged = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

Then, to inform the parent that the flag has changed, emit an event from the child component: 然后,要通知父标志已更改,请从子组件中发出一个事件:


Finally, to be informed of changes in the parent component: 最后,要通知父组件中的更改:

<app-childComponent-template [flag]="flag" (flag)="onFlagChanged($event)"></app-childComponent-template>

onFlagChanged(newValue) {
    alert(`New flag value: ${newValue}`);

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