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[英]Using RANKX in PowerBI DAX

I am a PowerBI newbie and I have been playing with DAX functions, more specifically, the RANKX function. 我是PowerBI新手,并且一直在使用DAX功能,更具体地说是RANKX功能。 Here is my data set: 这是我的数据集:

| Category |            Sub Category             |      Date       | My Value |
| A        |              A1                     |      2018-01-01 |        2 |
| A        |              A2                     |      2018-01-02 |        4 |
| A        |              A3                     |      2018-01-03 |        6 |
| A        |              A4                     |      2018-01-04 |        6 |
| B        |              B1                     |      2018-01-05 |       21 |
| B        |              B2                     |      2018-01-06 |       22 |
| B        |              B2                     |      2018-01-07 |       23 |
| C        |              C1                     |      2018-01-08 |       35 |
| C        |              C2                     |      2018-01-09 |       35 |
| C        |              C3                     |      2018-01-10 |       35 |

And below is my code: 下面是我的代码:

Rank all rows as Column = 
        'Table'[My Value]

Unfortunately, I am getting the following error: 不幸的是,我收到以下错误:

A single value for column 'My Value' in table 'Table' cannot be determined. 无法确定表“表”中“我的值”列的单个值。 This can happen when a measure formula refers to a column that contains many values without specifying an aggregation such as min, max, count, or sum to get a single result. 当度量公式引用包含许多值的列而未指定汇总(例如最小值,最大值,计数或总和)以获得单个结果时,可能会发生这种情况。

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 任何帮助将不胜感激。

Thanks 谢谢

Create a mesure to sum "My value" column: 创建一个确定以总结“我的价值”列:

Sum value = SUM(Table[My value]) 

Then use this measure to get your rank: 然后使用此度量获取您的排名:

Rank all rows as Column = 
    RANKX(ALL(Table);[Sum value])

This will give you the rank of each sub category. 这将为您提供每个子类别的排名。

There is nothing wrong with your formula, you just put it in a wrong place. 您的公式没有错,只是将其放在错误的位置。

There are 2 ways you can write DAX formulas in PowerBI: 您可以通过两种方法在PowerBI中编写DAX公式:

  • as a calculated column 作为计算列
  • as a measure 作为衡量


The difference is critical, you need to learn it if you want to use PowerBI. 区别至关重要,如果要使用PowerBI,则需要学习它。

The formula you wrote is for calculated columns. 您编写的公式适用于计算列。 If you create it as a measure, you will get an error. 如果将其创建为度量,则会出现错误。 To fix the problem, go to tab "Model", click "New Column", paste your code and it should work. 要解决此问题,请转到“模型”选项卡,单击“新建列”,粘贴您的代码,它应该可以工作。

If you need RANKX as a measure, Chrisoffer has given you a good answer. 如果您需要RANKX作为衡量标准,Chrisoffer会给您一个很好的答案。

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