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Rabbit MQ amqplib 错误“没有剩余通道可分配”

[英]Rabbit MQ amqplib error “No channels left to allocate”

在 pub sub 模式中使用 rabbit mq 工人一段时间后,我在创建频道时遇到错误。

Error: No channels left to allocate

The maximum number of channels you can allocate is negotiated with rabbitmp server.您可以分配的最大通道数与rabbitmp 服务器协商。 In my server, this value is 2047. You can debug you amqplib/lib/connection.js to get this.在我的服务器中,这个值是 2047。你可以调试你 amqplib/lib/connection.js 来得到这个。


If you are using https://www.npmjs.com/package/amqplib , you can use Promise to share a channel while publishing multiple messages如果您使用的是https://www.npmjs.com/package/amqplib ,您可以使用 Promise 在发布多条消息的同时共享一个频道

in message-queue.jsmessage-queue.js

const q = 'tasks';

const open = require('amqplib').connect('amqp://localhost');

const channelPromise = open.then((conn) => conn.createChannel());

// Publisher
function publishMessage(message) {
  channelPromise.then((ch) => ch.assertQueue(q)
    .then((ok) => ch.sendToQueue(q, Buffer.from(message))))

// Consumer
open.then((conn) => conn.createChannel())
  .then((ch) => ch.assertQueue(q).then((ok) => ch.consume(q, (msg) => {
    if (msg !== null) {

module.exports = {


messageQueue.publishMessage('hello world')

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