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Android MVP体系结构和领域-如何避免在MVP层之间传递上下文?

[英]Android MVP Architecture and Realm - How to Avoid Passing Context among the MVP layers?

I have been learning Android MVP for awhile, in most of my Application, I find that it is not so practical to passing the Context Data among the MVP Layer for testability purposes. 我学习Android MVP已有一段时间了,在我的大多数应用程序中,我发现出于可测试性的目的,在MVP层之间传递上下文数据并不那么实际。

However, for some cases, it is required to do so, for example, in order to access Realm database, I would need the Context Data for performing this implementation: 但是,在某些情况下,需要这样做,例如,为了访问Realm数据库,我将需要Context Data来执行此实现:

Realm Implementation 领域实施


        val config = RealmConfiguration.Builder()

        realm = Realm.getInstance(config)

Only that I can perform the CRUD functionality of Realm. 只有这样我才能执行Realm的CRUD功能。

Because of that I have to always pass the Context Data from View Layer to Model Layer which I believe which is not so practical. 因此,我必须始终将上下文数据从视图层传递到模型层,我认为这不太实用。

My Question: 我的问题:

  1. Is there any other way for me to implement the Realm functionality without the need to use the Context Data ? 是否有其他不需要使用Context Data来实现Realm功能的方法? How should I do it in the right way? 我应该如何以正确的方式来做?

  2. Is it okay/acceptable to keep passing Context Data or other similar android specific code among the MVP layer? 在MVP层之间继续传递上下文数据或其他类似的android特定代码是否可以/可以接受? Like for this Realm case, is it consider as an 'Acceptable Trade-off'? 像此Realm案例一样,它是否被视为“可接受的折衷”?

There two flaws (if I may call so) in the code snippet. 代码段中有两个缺陷(如果可以的话)。

First. 第一。 Realm.init(mainContext) should be done in onCreate() of Application, just once. Realm.init(mainContext)应该在Application的onCreate()中完成一次。

public class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {

Then add MyApplication to your manifest.xml file as below. 然后如下所示将MyApplication添加到manifest.xml文件中。

  <!--rest of properties-->

Second. 第二。 It's usually good idea to read static strings from resources, but not in all case. 从资源中读取静态字符串通常是一个好主意,但并非在所有情况下都如此。 This case, for example, is an exception. 例如,这种情况是例外。

Create a java class to hold your database name as belowe: 创建一个Java类来保存您的数据库名称,如下所示:

public class AppStatics{
    public final static REALM_DATABASE_NAME = "myrealm.realm";

Then simply take database name from this class to set name for Realm database. 然后只需从此类中获取数据库名称即可为Realm数据库设置名称。 . You don't have to configure Realm everytime. 您不必每次都配置Realm。

public class MyApplication extends Application {
  public void onCreate() {

Now you can call instance of Realm by calling Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); 现在您可以通过调用Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();来调用Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();实例Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance(); in your Model (data operations module of MVP) 在您的模型中(MVP的数据操作模块)

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