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[英]Cast into a querybuilder

I have a querybuilder like this: 我有一个这样的querybuilder:

        ->andWhere('i.createdAt LIKE :date')
        ->setParameter('date', $date.'%')

The field created_at is a DateTime and my $date is a string. 字段created_at是DateTime,我的$ date是字符串。 Is there any way to cast my created_at as a string ? 有什么方法可以将我的created_at强制转换为字符串?

I've already tried : 我已经尝试过了:

            ->andWhere('i.createdAt::text LIKE :date')

Console : 安慰 :

.... has no field or association named createdAt::text

Or : 要么 :

            ->andWhere('to_char(i.createdAt) LIKE :date')

Console : 安慰 :

  [Syntax Error] line 0, col 208: Error: Expected known function, got 'to_char'

Or 要么

  [Syntax Error] line 0, col 208: Error: Expected known function, got 'cast'

I'm using Symfony 2.6 and postgreSQL. 我正在使用Symfony 2.6和postgreSQL。

Thanks you :) 谢谢 :)

format the date to a string like so: 将日期格式化为字符串,如下所示:

$date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')

Or leave out the day and time since it's a LIKE query 还是省去日期和时间,因为这是LIKE查询

$date->format('Y-m-') . '%'

Consider however querying with dates between a start and an end point: 但是,请考虑使用起点和终点之间的日期进行查询:

$nextMonth = clone $date;
$nextMonth->modify('+1 month');

Then you can do a greater or equal to first date and less than or equal to the end date 然后,您可以大于或等于第一个日期,小于或等于结束日期

Thanks you, that's a great idea. 谢谢,这是个好主意。

    $startInterval = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m', $date);
    $endInterval = clone $startInterval;
    $endInterval->modify('+1 month'); 

This is a way better ! 这是更好的方法!

        ->andWhere('i.createdAt > :startInterval')
        ->andWhere('i.createdAt < :endInterval')
        ->setParameter('startInterval', $startInterval)
        ->setParameter('endInterval', $endInterval)

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