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[英]How to use ping command as a variable to be used as breaking condition in a batch file?

I want to create a batch file to first ping a share drive on start to see if it is ready to be mapped, then map when the ping is returned. 我想创建一个批处理文件,首先在启动时ping一个共享驱动器,看它是否准备好映射,然后在返回ping时映射。 As psuedo, something like this: 像psuedo,这样的事情:

while true:
    ping ipaddr -t
    if (ping returned):
map drive

I believe the syntax would be something like: 我相信语法会是这样的:

ping ipaddr -t
if ping:
    goto mountZ
goto checkping

net use Z:....

So how do I go about setting the ping in a usable variable to break the loop? 那么如何在可用变量中设置ping来打破循环呢?

@echo off
ping > nul
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Not Connected &  goto checkping
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 echo Connected     &  net use Z:....
    net use K: \\\C$
If errorlevel 1 goto loop

Is one simple way of doing it. 这是一种简单的方法。

You could use the below. 你可以使用下面的内容。 If there is a TTL (Time To Live) then it will go to A, otherwise it will continue. 如果有TTL(生存时间),那么它将转到A,否则它将继续。

ping -n 1 www.google.com | findstr TTL && goto a
goto checkping

REM Mapped Drive is connected

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